How Does My Garden Grow and The Baker Creek Planting Festival

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

Coming Alive

I've been working to get caught up in the garden, and I'm getting there. But I think there will always be something that should have been done yesterday. It's been feeling a lot more like work, and less like play for a while. But this morning I went out to work and ended up just spending time. I guess I haven't looked around to see how much things are growing, how many seeds have come up. It renewed my excitement.

In the cabbage patch things are thriving. The dill, thyme, parsley, radishes and carrots are coming up strong. The rosemary is coming along slowly, but I think I worry about it every year. And every year it does just fine.


The strawberries that I started from seed are beginning to blossom! I sowed some dill, sage, onion and radish seed in the strawberry bed. I anxious to see them come up!

I've harvested some radishes, and I'm letting a couple big beauties go to seed. I throw a handful of seed out every couple of weeks. Hopefully that'll give me a steady flow radishes for a while.


The cucumbers are doing well under the fence and morning glories are starting to peek out. The ashwaganda is growing fast and the wormwood has really bushed out.


I discovered some volunteer beets while I was weeding this morning!

Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?

I've got no idea, but it's turtle crossing season for sure! I'll be late everywhere I go for the next few weeks, because I have to stop and move turtles every few miles. While I was looking for radishes to pull the other day, I found three. They don't stick around long, and I really don't mind them eating a little on their way through. But my dog loves them, so as soon as I see them I call my turtle relocator out to carry them away.


The ants are super busy out there. I sat for about 20 minutes and watched them carrying dirt and bits of this and that out of a hole next to my porch. You can see all the debris they were hauling out.


I took this picture with my crappy LG phone camera, and I was excited about how well it turned out!

The Baker Creek Planting Festival

We were running a little late and got stuck in traffic. With every turn the line grew longer!


But it could've been worst. We could be back there!


It's always a good time. I didn't get a lot of pictures of the vendors, I got a few of the cool seed collection Baker Creek had on display.


I bumped into a couple Steemians, @dwells and @papapepper, while I was there.


I was trying to keep a look out for others, but I got distracted by all the plants!

Here's my haul.


I ended up with two new tomatoes, even though I don't really have room for them. A great white and an Ivan. Adam just couldn't resist adding a Carolina reaper and a black Hungarian to his pepper collection. We got horseradish, horehound, two goji berries, and @randomphandom grabbed a couple succulents and some Corsican mint.

In the huge seed store I picked out a beautiful echinacea, echinacea pallida, Attila strawberry, some tansy, Flemish antique poppies with edible seed, some mixed cactus seed for @randomphandom and some pink banana seed. I'll get more into some of the plants and seeds, and why I chose them in later posts.

If you were there, I'd love to see your haul.


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Love seeing this! Great documentation of this season 💚💙 thanks for sharing! Great to see you & your beautiful garden!

I've thouroghly enjoyed seeing and reading about everyone's gardens since I signed up for Steemit. I finally get to share a little of mine. Hopefully when the problems start, and they will start, someone out there can help me regulate them!

Hahaha! You're garden is in good hands with this community! I didn't realize it was your first! Awe! That makes it even more special 🌱🌹🌸

It isn't my first. I've been doing it for years. But this is the first time I've strayed too far from rows and more into throwing it out there and hitting companion planting hard. As much time as I've spent with my Gram in the garden, and gardening myself, every year holds a surprise problem. I'm hoping that with the help of the gardeners here, I can fix the problems before they become disasters! 😁

Ahhh! I see!! Good for you! For venturing outside the lines! Ohhh! I love the turtles! What a unique issue to have 🤣🐢

Such an awesome post! I love the case's that are used on the displays, the ant pic is awesome, and the fact that your renewing life with it all...gotta love this time of year :)

Congratulations on the @asapers visit as well on your post :)

Thanks! This is my favorite time of year....but every part of the year is my favorite for one reason or another. 😁

haha I'm the same :) Every season really does have something cool to offer!

Sounds like a perfect time!!! I just transplanted one of my goji berries as it was in the wrong spot.

That ant pic is gorgeoys!!!

Your garden looks so neat and everything looks so healthy!!

I agree! The ant pic is so cool!! I would have never guessed it was from your phone @powellx5! :)

It's among the coolest pictures I've ever taken. 😎

I'm going to agree, and I haven't even seen you're other pics haha

I always have visions of a nice, neat, Beatrix Potter kind of garden, and I always end up with a tangled mess that passersby could.Dr possibly recognize as a garden. This year I'm just kind of throwing it out there and it seems to be tidying itself up! Go figure. 😏

Ya know, I just couldn't stop watching that ant. 🐜

What a great haul! I'll love seeing your new tomatoes as they come along. So much fun trying out new seed and plant types, isn't it? And that was one heck of a turnout they had for the event! Wow! I am impressed!

I love seeds, heirlooms specifically, and even more specifically tomato seeds. I collect them because they're delicious and b-e-a-utiful! Collecting new varieties of plants and seeds keeps it so exciting. I'm excited to start giving away more seed here on Steemit when I start harvesting them! 😁🌿

I'll have a surprise when mine begin to fruit...I kind of got willy nilly with the planting towards the end of 'get it in the ground before the heat wave hits' , and things aren't marked! That's my Garden of Que Sera, Sera

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I know that feeling of achievement when from tiny seeds buried you finally see the sprouted leaf! It is a good feeling

I've always been excited to see the little seedlings pop up. And then my son, when he was 3 or 4 was helping me sow some seeds, and he asked me how God put a whole plant in a tiny seed. Now, when I see them pop up, I'm taken back to that time and appreciate it a little more. 😊

True. Out of the mustard seed spouts the massive plant! I can't imagine how humbling, wonderful, it is for you being frequently reminded by the vast array of these such plants, of that moment with your son. I guess the 'big man' now has an idea of how God did that!

I don't know what I liked better, the ant or the turtle. What I really like, is that life is bursting out, all over. The humans, the earth, the insects, the turtles. It's a wonderful, vibrant spring essay. Good job.

Thank you. It is such a busy and exciting time of year. I love the days when I can slow down and take it all in.

And, heyyyyy girl!!! Congratulations on having your post selected by the ASAPERS! So fun!! 🌱🐢🙌🐢🌱

Thanks! I love the asaper's posts! So much variety.

You're welcome! They are great! I always get to see stuff i wouldn't otherwise come across.


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