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RE: Alone on The Homestead

in #homesteading6 years ago

I LOLed about the crackers. Thank you for that giggle. It's too bad when a really involved project doesn't work out. I once tried to make homemade thin mints from a recipe online that swore it was a good copycat. Oh my word, no. They were flavorless rocks. Rocks that took ages to make. 😂
Glad you have been keeping busy! Being alone takes some adjusting. When I first moved into my own place, I was coming from never having lived alone and a painfully noisy, no-privacy place. I found myself needing background noise, when normally I HATE background noise. I would turn on the TV or radio just to hear a voice. But now that it's been years, I almost never turn on either. I like my quiet.


Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment. I really appreciate it! ♥ I am glad you had a giggle, it really is quite funny.

I am such a quiet person and love solitude so I am finding this so unexpected. You are right though, I can feel myself adjusting to it already. I think being an invisible human with no friends here also adds to this. It used to be my choice to be alone and now it just is that way by default. Then again, I do have two sweaty dogs drooling down my legs while I eat soup and type so ...I am never really alone. :)

It was nice to hear from you, it's been a while.

Yep, that's me invisible human with no human friends. But two cats. 😸😸

Cats are cool friends to have! I would be lost without my two furry friends. I would love to have some cats living here but the dogs refuse to play nice.

Invisibility has it's advantages I think. For a person like me that is working hard on inner work ... a clean slate can be nice. I certainly don't give much thought to what I am wearing or how I look when I leave the house anymore either! :)

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