Eventually, we'll even hatch a few on purpose!
This was an unexpected surprise today! While working on a few chores, we were trying to "straighten out" some of the eggs. A duck was sitting on some duck eggs, with some chicken eggs mixed in. Pinkie-Pepper went to put them under a chicken instead, and guess what she found!
Yeah, you probably already read the title to this post, and saw the cover image, but you're right! It was the first chick of the year on our homestead! We plan on hatching out a whole batch in the incubator before summer ends, but we still let the chickens have their fun if they want to too, and it pays! Hopefully, we will never need to buy chickens or eggs ever again, and if we need to diversify the genetics, perhaps we can just work out a trade with another homesteader. How cool would that be?
Here is the vlog that I made when Pinkie-Pepper notified me. Events like this are always a happy time around the homestead! Check it out!
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Cool to see.
Hopefully more will hatch in a couple of days.
Keep on postin'
what a cute lil chick you got there papa :D
Totally! Thanks!
Got Inspiration from you @papa.pepper
Very, very nice!
Same as yours @papa.pepper! Greatly appreciated most unto your dedication to animals.
True @papa-pepper I always use my online time in steemit, but now the smaller the support for me in steemit I do not know the reason why
The current value of STEEM is lower than before, so payouts look lower.
Long time @papa-pepper I miss you
Wow... Congrats Papa
Hope the chicks are bouncing now
Thank you!
Congratulations! What a lovely chick!
@papa-pepper, I have a name for the new little one "chick-pepper".................
I was thinking "Dave..."
You're right it looks like a Dave..............
I thought you'd agree, unless it's really a chick and then it'll be "Davette" or maybe "Yvonne." What do you think?
My daughter loves pictures of baby chicks. Te-Steemed 👊
this is going to confuse the poor mother duck.
she is going to be the disgrace of the whole backyard, fancy hatching out a baby that won't swim, doesn't even like going near water, what a disgrace,
Ugly duckling for sure!
There's nothing as fascinating to me as the emergence of new life in the natural order.
Oh yeah, more to come too!