What a day to turn 40!

This post is a few days late...busy with life as we all are at times. I had a wonderful weekend as my family and I celebrate me turning 40 years old. I am not one who really does or wants a big birthday party. I have one every year, as everyone living does. I just hope that when I am long gone, I made an impact on those around me. My Paw-paw was a man that made an impact on my life. As I write this, I think about how old he would be if he were still alive...97 years old. I hope that my grand children and great grand children think of me in the same way, recalling how old I would have been had I still been living.

Often times during our birthdays, particularly milestones like 40, we realize how fast life goes by. How fast our children grow up. I often find myself thinking of all the mistakes and missed opportunities I have had in my life. I think about them, not as a major regret, but as a learning tool, so that I don't make the same mistakes again. I look back at the path I have walked down so far, and have no regrets. I have a wonderful, beautiful wife, and 7 unbelievable children. I have too much to be thankful for to have regrets.

The video below is me on the morning of my 40th birthday, just soaking up the sun, and enjoying another blessed day. I hope you enjoy.

I want to thank each of you for watching.

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Have yourself a wonderful day.


Happy Bday you good ol' aquarius! 40 is the new 22 right??

They always say Aquariuses are the most stubborn people on earth, it takes one to know one ;))

welcome to adult-hood.

Now time to figure out what I want to do when I grow up.

Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a good one.

Thank you. I had a wonderful day.

Happy Birthday Aaron! What was the best gift you got?

Well, my parents sent me a few dollars, which seemed funny to me, but is greatly appreciated, and my kids pitched in to buy me a nice selfie stick so I can do different shots. I haven't tried it yet for a video, but now we can take a family picture with all 9 of us in frame.

HAHA...yeah I can imagine your arms were not long enough for 9 people in one shot! Looking forward to seeing what you'll do with it on the next video!

Happy birthday! I turned 40 on Sunday. Seems these decade birthdays give a bit of retrospection, I know they have for me. My 30th and now my 40th have caused me to be a lot more introspective and retrospective in thinking about who I am and what I have done in this amount of time.

You're lucky to have let go of regrets, I am still trying to learn that one.

Letting go of regrets is the only way to be content in where you are. Also, if we simply regret wrong decisions, we often don't learn from those decisions. As I get older, so do my children, and I am having to put all I have into them, making sure they grow up into godly, respectful/able young men and ladies/mothers.

Happy birthday friend <3
A little older and a lot wiser. "I just hope that when I am long gone, I made an impact on those around me." Amen. Beautiful. <3

I'm a year ahead of you. My kids are growing so fast and everyday seems to just flash by. The older I get the faster the days fly by. Its crazy I remember when I was a kid a slow every day went by. Learn from every mistake we just get better with time right? Like a fine wine!

I used to be able to remember details of any day from years before. Now I don't remember if I ate breakfast. LOL. Kids are growing WAY TOO FAST!

This very nice post.. i like it thanks for sharing.. Best of luck..

Thank you all for the birthday wishes and wonderful things you said. Shalom.

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