In the north, heat is essential come winter time. For our family, wood is the most cost effective way to heat our home. The problem has been, I haven't had time to go out and cut up my own firewood, bring it home, and split it. For the past several years, most of the wood I was burning came from the mill I was working at. I would bring home handfuls, sometimes truckloads, of kiln dried mill ends. This summer I started a new job, one that I am very grateful for, but I don't get the free firewood like I did. A few weeks ago I finally got some firewood.

We are so grateful to have some firewood. Now I am halfway ready for this winter.

Thanks for watching. I am getting ready to try to do the giveaway again. I will be giving away half of the SBD I get from each week, and the SBD is now worth over $3 each. These giveaways can start adding up to some real money.

Please Upvote, Comment, Resteem and Follow.

Have a great day.


sir i follow this video bacause i liked your video

Hey man! Good to see you back here again! Firewood...yeah I need some too. I have a wood burning fireplace but I'm still hooked to the "grid" so I mostly like to have it on hand mostly for emergency purposes. The fireplace is big enough that I can cook in it too if needed. Question for you, if you don't mind sharing about how much did that 1 truck load of wood cost you? Shalom!
P.S. - "Please Upvote, Comment, Resteem and Follow" Check, Check, Check, and Check!

Thanks. That was a good friend who brought me that wood for $125 and it was about 2 cord. I am about to buy at least 1 or 2 more cord of red fir and it will cost me $140-175 per cord. Still cheaper than propane, which my other option.

I checked a local place that does firewood and they wanted to charge $80 for just 1/3 cord......lets just say I passed on that "deal" Not much for mills or places that would have wood scrapes around where I live. My pastor burns wood in his house and I make be able to use his connection for getting scrap wood that was used to make railroad ties, but before they treat it of course!

I am in need of firewood, too! Glad to see you found some for the winter. Interesting to hear the difference between the types of firs and pines. We have mainly oak out here which works great. Use a bit of pine to help start it real hot.

I have just about used up what I had cut for this year. I still have plenty more rounds, but I need to split it. With so many other projects on the new homestead, it is just hard to find time for splitting wood. However, the colder it gets, the more time I will find to cut firewood, I am sure!

I hear ya. I seem to never have time for anything until I HAVE to have it. Man I would love some oak to burn here. We don't have much in the way of hardwoods in this area of the country.

Well, great video!

Getting firewood free is always good. But we all do what we need to do. We cut our own. We don't need to heat with it but use it in our outdoor ovens and BBQ. We need to build a shed to protect ours in rainy season. Upvoted and resteemed.

After Irma we have plenty of unseasoned firewood everywhere. It’s nice not to have to worry about staying warm this winter. Happy for you. 🐓🐓

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