The Baker Creek Spring Planting Festival - 2018 - Human Breast Milk Soap?


I know I have been lacking in my posting on Steemit recently. Spring is the busiest time on the homestead and we have lots to be doing. My garden is top priority right now making sure my plants are coming up and we are going to have a good harvest this summer and fall.

Most of our garden is a Baker Creek garden. We grow a lot of heirloom varieties of plants and most of those seeds come from that company. I'm happy to support any enemy of Monsanto and their horrible agricultural practices. Not to mention, it's wonderful to see so many coming back to the natural ways of growing food. And a big part of that are the folks at Baker Creek. The company is really a household name among many of the gardeners in America today.

So I'd like to share with you some photos and a video of our experience with this years Baker Creek, Plus a photo of something I was not expecting to see.

We got there on Friday afternoon and set up camp to rest on Saturday and be ready for the opening very early Sunday morning. And when I say early, I mean we were first in line at the gate when it opened at 5 am. Then we went to work on setting up our booth to prepare for all the guests that would be streaming in at 10am. And stream in they did. The lines of people and cars were amazing. But the lines moved fast and folks were through the gates in no time.


Jaimie was busy both days giving folks a run down on all the items we had on display and how they were used. A pressure canner, lantern, and composting toilet were just a few examples and people had plenty of questions and interest.


One of my favorite things to watch at the festival was the blacksmith. There were actually two blacksmiths this year and both were entertaining and educational.


Here he is working on a iron bar that he is turning into I don't know what. But it was fun to watch. There was a huge crowd watching him most of the day.


But the big crowd attractions were the plants. After all, it's a spring planting festival. You are there to talk about plants and learn about making your garden productive this summer. Green thumbs are everywhere! The amount of vendors was impressive. Most selling seeds and greens!


You could find everything there! They had plants, music, food, drinks, and even products that a might make you scratch your head a little. I can across one vendor that had a most unusual product. She sold soap. But some of her soaps were a bit different than others being sold at many booths across the festival. Hers were made up of human breast milk. HER BREAST MILK! And the soaps were in the shape of a baby.


Momma said, "It takes all kinds..." Yep!

So we had a great time and Jaimie and I both keep commenting that the best part was meeting all of you who stopped by our booth and said hello while sharing your stories and testimonies. You all mean the world to us and we are happy to be a part of your lives.

Here is the video! ENJOY!

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Looks like you guys have a fun time. People really enjoy the opportunity to talk about interesting things like composting toilets and canning. @ironshield

The festival was really fun. Can't wait till next year.

Just like any group, there is a wide spectrum of people.
Mommy milk soap lady is way off in the looney tunes side of the spectrum.

Breastmilk is an amazing healer. So using it in soap is actually a fantastic idea. It would be great for eczema, acne, sensitive skin, etc.

Not looney.. Smart. For using the liquid gold she has!

Hey brother awesome video! I finally came over here from the evil YouTube man I forgot how much I miss your videos! So looking forward to catching up on all your post and making my own soon with my homestead/farm in the planning phase. Take care and keep them coming

@mericanhomestead You have earned a random upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots.

You don't happen to have the information of the mom who made the breastmilk soap do you?

NO, I didn't get her card. Come along next year. I'm sure she will be back!

Ok! haha. Thank you. :)

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

Hey brother I'm new to this steemit world and currently deployed haha whats your Veteran community page?

Things like this are so cool. The closest we have locally is the Agricultural and Pastoral Show in February each year. Total highlight for my year.
Thanks for sharing...

I have to get myself over there next year! This is awesome. Not too sure about the mommy milk soap, but there is so much to look at, ask about and take home. I would need a plane all to myself for all the stuff I's want to bring back!

That looks like you folks had some fun!

That is my kind of festival! I would love to go someday!

Love the breastmilk soap! What a great idea!

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