People In My Local Homesteading Community Are So Nice And We Need More Of That

in #homesteading5 years ago

I really appreciate where I live. I live next door to two farmers who raise different animals and grow different crops. Both are older farmers now so they don't do huge farms anymore and only produce what they need and a small bit to sell. My husband and I grow a small garden for us and I sell my duck eggs for some extra cash.

Duck Eggs


The fun thing about living near farms and having my ducks and small garden is it opens up the opportunity to share. Last summer one of my neighbors stopped by randomly with a big bag of squash he had grown in his garden. He had more than he could cook so he brought some to me. He gave me so much squash I was able to share some with a friend. It was really nice of my neighbor and he didn't expect anything in return. Later in the season I returned the favor when I had an abundance of of tomatoes. When you work hard to grow your own food you never want to see it go to waste.

Now that I'm raising ducks, duck eggs have become a great way to share my food wealth and offer to my neighbors or regular egg customers when I have too many. A while back my neighbor slaughtered a few hogs he had been raising for meat. He had enough meat to last him until next year. He randomly gave us some fresh pork ribs. It was so nice of him that I gave him three dozen duck eggs just to show him some kindness back.


I have a regular duck egg customer who buys three to four dozen at a time. Last night I met up with him because he wanted three dozen eggs. I needed to get rid of some excess eggs so I gave him an extra fourth dozen for free. The man had 8 dozen quail eggs he'd bought earlier in a cooler (this guy really loves eggs) and he knew I'd never had them before. When he saw I gave him an extra dozen, he turned around and gave me a dozen quail eggs to try. It was really nice of him to offer me some eggs when I gave him extra free eggs.

The quail eggs he gave me. I'm excited to try them but not sure how to tackle eggs so small.


That's one thing I do love about the homesteading community and people who buy from them. It's just an old timey friendly way of life. Neighbors helping neighbors out of kindness and community. In today's society people are so distant and fearful of others. People don't know their neighbors like years ago when people knew everyone in a community. My neighbors and I have separate plots of land but we're not mean about keeping boundaries. I let my one neighbor park his horse trailer on my land because it's

I really like sharing my duck eggs with others. I always have plenty of eggs. It's nice I can sell them for extra cash to pay for their food costs and when I have more than I can sell I can give them to others who might enjoy them.

All photos and content are my own.

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What a wonderful community! When we first moved out of the city, we didn't know anybody and tried to go it alone. It's too hard! Now we have a whole tribe of farmers who help each other out and share our bounties. It's a wonderfully warm feeling to know there are others out there who will drop everything to help out in a crisis, even if the crisis is "What do I do with all this zucchini?"

That's really nice you found kindred spirits. It's nice to know people can still be kind and neighborly to one another. After living in bigger cities where people keep to themselves, the country life is refreshing.

So true! We couldn't do this without our tribe. I feel so much safer knowing there are people who will drop everything and come help if I need them.

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It must be wonderful to enjoy fresh organic produce on a regular basis @marxrb and I was very pleased to hear that your random act of kindness was promptly rewarded.

I love those beautiful colours and textures on the duck eggs.

lol. I think the colors and textures on the eggs are mud lol. The ducks move their nest and on this day I found the eggs buried next to their swimming pool in hay and mud. lol. Interestingly, my regular customer who gave me the quail eggs hates for me to wash my duck eggs. They have a protective coating that makes them last longer. Wash it off and the eggs have a shorter shelf life.

That is a great story! I love hearing stories of generosity. I am lucky to now live in a small town with lots of homesteaders. There is nothing like that feeling of community and folks that are willing to share food and results of their hard work. And coming from the city the other crazy change is people sharing their most precious commodity.. their time!

Hi! Forgive me if I'm being intrusive, but @homesteaderscoop is on the list to possibly win 20k delegation for a year from @theycallmedan. We’re humbled and blown away, and super excited as we win 1K just for getting on the list! This flows down to everyone who supports us in the form of upvotes, challenges, and enthusiasm to keep what we do going. We support homesteading, gardening, spirituality, and other alternative ways of living driven by a love of sustainability, ethics and the environment. And of course we offer a free market to buy and sell sustainable goods and ethical services for STEEM and SBD! Your vote matters – it really does – and by voting for Homesteaders Co-op, you’re saying you support sustainability, ethics, the environment, natural living and more. Go you – you are awesome! Here’s the link to the Dpoll:

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I know! My neighbor took two hours to help me with my broken down car one day. He didn't have to help but he saw me struggling and dropped what he was doing just to help. It's nice to have neighbors who will stop and help one another.

That is a really beautiful thing :)

I remember when you just got your ducks! Wow! Having great neighbors is always something to be extremely grateful for!
Pickled quail eggs are a delicacy! and you can preserve them that way and sell them. I've seen them go for a good price, 6 to a jar. <3

If I had more land I would consider raising quails for eggs to sell. They're cute little birds. I might try to fry a few and boil some. I've never tried pickled anything other than pickles. It's pretty popular though where I live to pickle things like corn and eggs.

Wow eggs! maxrab .i appreciate u for the eggs u have posted and u have the taste of selling them for extra cash and giving to others who were in need of them .thanks for ur interest and sharing this.

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