Sun Kissed ApplesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #homesteading7 years ago

Earlier today, I was out watering my front yard. It has been hot in Southern California!! Hot!!! At least since it is almost October. 86 to 90 degree Fahrenheit. My plants do want lots of water!!

I planted a lot of trees in my front yard and used half barrels to create a sort of fence to keep dogs from running in and little kids from running out. anything planted in pots is a bit more likely to dry out and my watering this summer has been not very consistent.

Imagine how happy I was to find this beauty!


Certainly kissed by the sun. I know there is a contest out there for sun pictures like this - but alas, I forgot what and who and all that jazz.

The next picture turned out like this


The kiwi vine and the yellow bird or paradise are more in focus than the apple.

Well, I am using my iPhone 6 for all my pictures and when the sun is shining, I can't really see what I am taking pictures off. It's point and shoot and hope for the best.


Finally, we can see the apple a little better. It is the Beverly hill variety and this is the very first apple we are getting off that tree.


And the last shot!! Yay!! The apple in all its small red glory. Tomorrow, my little lovely, I will harvest you and see what you taste like!

Do you have apples growing in your yard? Tell me, what are your favorites? When I first moved here, I was told that apples don't grow here. But they do!! And they are delicious - not the varieties - the taste!

So far, my heaviest producers are Ana and Golden Dorsett. At least the Ana apple was developed in Israel and is well suited for warm climates. Both varieties produce twice a year! Hard to beat that!

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I was attracted to that top image in the thumbnail! It drew me in! That's an interesting shape on an apple, for sure. Some apples take a few years for their fruit to be the best quality. It's like they are too young to fully develop the flavors or texture in the fruit. So it will be interesting to read your review of this first crop. Anna is such a stalwart for warm regions. It's great you have found apples that work in your region -- finding the right varieties is half of all success in the garden! And you even get 2 harvests -- now that's a decent tradeoff! Enjoy your apple!

I will update the apple tasting tonight. Have to share with my husband :) I have about 10 or more varieties growing right now, but only a few are at the fruiting stage. We shall see.....

I wrote a post about you and your amazing help today, Marianne. I love the photo in it so much! And definitely post about this apple and how it was for you and the hubs!

Oh, thank you!!! Going to check it out now!

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