A Local Author Came By Our Place To Take Pictures, Also, A TV Series "Transition Garden" Is Coming Here Tomorrow To Film!

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

It's A Hive Of Activity For Our Gardens


Last year CBC News (mainstream media in Canada) was trying to get us to be on their newscast, they wanted to do a piece on our Food Is Free Project. I declined because I don't like or trust the news. I won't support the MSM in any way, shape or form. I have seen friends, and activists, time and time again get misrepresented and screwed over by them so I totally boycott the MSM.

Yesterday I notice a woman setting up a tripod to take photos of our front lawn vegetable garden. So of course me being the awkward person I am, I ask her if I can take a photo of her. I snapped a quick shot just for my own albums, and we start talking.

Turns out she is a local author and photographer named Denise Adams! Her book Atlantic Coastal Gardening: Growing Inspired, Resilient Plants by the Sea has been out since 2014 and right now she's working on a new book, I wonder if our little homestead will be in it...Would be soooooo cool.

Denise Adams, a local author and photographer, she said she drives by our home every day and admires what we've done. It gives me so many smiles to hear that our gardens bring others joy!

Filming The TV Series "Transition Garden" Tomorrow

I actually don't know much about this production lol. I do know that it's relatively small budget. The way I got hooked up with them was by a wonderful friend and neighbour in our community, Shawna, who also grows as much food as humanly possible on her land. She gives us lots of beautiful transplants every year, and we give her eggs. Our sons are good friends.

So Shawna called me a couple weeks ago to ask if we'd be interested, and I said SURE! Unlike the MSM, I trust these people won't make us look like bumbling idiots. Their whole series is about gardens. I look forward to telling them all about the @FoodIsFree Project <<< follow them on Steemit, and about the Grow Food Not Lawns movement.

Of course tomorrow I'll have more details about this production, and also some totally awkward photos that I'll be taking of them while they mosey around our homestead.

Here's the info I was able to find online about "Transition Garden"


So, it's back outside I go, as I've left all of my clean up to the last minute. @Hendrix22 has been working hard getting things all beautiful and spiffy the last couple days, but I got weeding and snipping to do!

Also hilarious side note: The 2 little boys yesterday decided to help Mommy and they cut all the peppers out of our hothouse. I damn near almost cried...LOL! Boyyyyssss!! Now there's nothing to show Transition Garden in there HAHAHHAHAA. Awww...who could blame em though right, they were just trying to help out.

Who could stay mad at these cuties anyways?

So until tomorrow my fellow Steemians I bid you ado, have a glorious day!


Your little home looks so cozy nestled in among all that garden. I'm sure it'll look great on the program.

The 2 little boys yesterday decided to help Mommy and they cut all the peppers out of our hothouse. I damn near almost cried.

This is too sweet and funny. I can imagine how nervous you are, working like mad and getting your fourth child (the garden) ready for the camera!

Ooh yes Sir don't you know it LOL that 4th child required quite a bit of work to get it up to TV status :) It feels good now that it's over with and we can go back to being hillbillies again hahahhaa!!

Mr and Mrs Bowes
Tells us how the garden grows
They said F the lawn
Now great food is being grown upon
And They share it with many more!

God I wish we were neighbors! I'm gonna join the movement! I never cared for lawns anyway.
Good luck with the filming! Love you guys!

Oooh AMAZING prose!! I love it, and we LOVE you Michael! I can't wait to show this to Brendan!! xoxoxoox <3 <3 <3


I'm sure your little slice of heaven will be shown in a good light.

Thank you so much for your positivity @TheBlindSquirl :)

Congratulations regarding the Transition Garden visit. That is unbelievable for you!
Keep us up to date on how it goes. I am SO curious now!

Thank you for your enthusiasm @goldendawne! I will definitely be telling you all about it tomorrow :) :)

I hope you get in Denise Adams's new book. Her last one got all 5 star reviews on Amazon in the UK so it must be good. Unfortunately no Look Inside on it to take a peek. :

Hope it all goes well with the Transition Garden filming. I wonder if the film will make it online somewhere - maybe on Films for Action

Yeah, she's pretty talented isn't she, WOW! I'm going to get the book one day that's for sure, and the new one too :) :) :) I will definitely let you know where the show will end up, I bet I could put it online if all else fails, throw it on DTube!

Exciting times! Can't blame the boys. Only helping mama get the place ready for filming. Good luck tomorrow!

Yes, for sure, their big hearts were in the right place! :) Thank you for the wishes of luck <3 <3 I'm glad they're coming early in the morning so I don't have to have anxiety about it all day, just wake up, shower, eat and they'll be here! :) :)

Hey that's amazing news, good for you all! That's awesome that you've caught the attention of a production company. Great things are happening in your life Lyndsay, nice to see. Hope it went well today! :-)

Thank you so much for all the good vibes you sent me, yes today went really great, I appreciate that you care <3 <3

You're most welcome my dear. :-D

That's awesome! Your front garden looks so bountiful. You should introduce her to STEEM!

Thanks Jeff, I'm trying to figure out how to work it in actually... :)

I forgot how uncommon and unique our way of thinking is compared to the rest of the western world. And wow am I impressed. You have real professionals wanting to do real reports on you. Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised as you are equally professional in what you do with your garden!

I have been riding a thin line of staying or leaving steemit as life is good for me as you know and to be on the computer for the hours I have, and seeing my measly pay off at this point has been quite a discouragement.

Instead of throw the towel in on Steemit. I lit a fire under my ass and I put up a bunch of great posts. Especially my new World Travel Report: Bali Indonesia. https://steemit.com/travel/@world-travel-pro/world-travel-report-bali-indonesia

I'm trying all I can to get this thing to blow up and put me on a new steemit level. Anything you can do to help me would be GREATLY appreciated.

On that note. You totally rock and you have a lot to teach the world. You're info is more practical for most people than the info I have to share but both are about showing there's more to life than what people have been taught by MTV cribs and what the latest I-phone can do for you.

It's always great connecting with you on here

-Dan "world Travel Pro!" Signing off from Koh Phe Ngan, Thailand!

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