New Year’s Update: What’s in Store for Wild Rose Acres in 2018

There is something so fresh and exciting about starting a new year - it’s a new beginning and a chance to change for the better although the same can be said of every day and every sunrise! Nonetheless, I am looking forward to giving this year my all and taking you along for the ride!

To kick off 2018 (a little early), I set up a website for Wild Rose Acres!

Mainly this will benefit my followers who don’t want to search through multiple Steemit articles to find updates on projects! I will link the most recent blog update on Steemit to its’ respective project on the website - that way if you ever wonder what’s going on, you can just head over to the website to find the link!

I also made a schedule of articles I will be posting this year - it’s easier for both me and my readers to know what the heck I will be posting and when! I will try to stick to it as closely as possible!

Weekly Homesteading Newsletter
(Every other) Homesteading Challenge

Scrap Garden update(s)

Product Spotlight series
“Homesteading Looks Like…” Photography series

“What’s For Lunch?” Healthy Recipe series

“Nighttime on the Homestead” Photography series
“Page-by-Page” Book Review

Resource Revelation

Flora & Fauna Feature
Personal Development Challenge update(s) - EcoTrain

Of course, this list does not include intermittent postings like Barry the Bee updates, submissions to different challenges/contests, EcoTrain QOTW, and homestead updates come this spring/summer. Those will be posted whenever so you will have to stay tuned!

Finally, if you want your articles this new year to potentially be added to an issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter, please let me know! I already have a list of users who have given me indefinite permission, but comment below if you would like to be added to the list! Featuring an article in the WHN simply means that I have your permission to link your article and username in a post to help raise awareness for it! I want to create a fuller and more rounded newsletter so I am looking for many more authors! Don’t hesitate to look into the previous newsletter to see if it is something you are interested in!

I will see you all tomorrow with the special New Year’s issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter AND New Year’s themed homesteading challenge!

Let’s make 2018 amazing!

Photography by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared/reposted with proper accreditation. Free website created by Wix.

Join the HomesteadersOnline Discord community today!

Proud passenger of the Steemit EcoTrain!


The website banner looks beautiful!
Congrats on organising yourself so well. I wish I could get myself organised better! 😅

Aww thanks! I'm rarely this organized so we will see how long it lasts! 😅


How exciting! Congratulations on the website!!

Love how you have a schedule! (you know me... I love planning)

I like schedules too (less stressful) but we will see if I can actually stick to it haha! P.S. Thanks for the resteem!

Nice. I will definitely check out your new website. And hooray for schedules. Need to get better at that, myself!


Thank you, I really appreciate it!

Your website looks awesome! Love your header pic and I agree it helps to have everything in an organized space and not only a scrolling blog :) best to you!

Thanks! The header pic is my favorite part of the website too haha!

Awesome! Add me to your indefinite permission list ;) looking forward to 2018!

Woohoo thank you!

I think the website is a good idea! It is real easy for articles to get buried here on steemit.

Thanks, that's what I was thinking!

gorgeous website, gorgeous schedule. i was just talking about filling in a calendar for the first three months of 2018.

if you see anything of mine that you're interested in, feel free to share it - indefinite permission given. i have learned so much in such a short amount of time that giving back is the least i can do! :)

Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

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