A Barrel of Fun - Page by Page | Chapter Five - Part Four

Welcome back to my chapter-by-chapter review of The Weekend Homesteader by Anna Hess! Last time, we talked about chicken coops and tractors! Now it is time to move on to the next chapter and section - rain barrels!

Rain Barrels

The majority of this chapter was dedicated to the method of construction more than explaining the importance of such an endeavor, probably because the benefits of catching rain are rather self explanatory. So the author simply begins with a list of supplies and tools you need to make a fairly simple 55-gallon rain barrel.

I won’t get into all the nitty gritty details that this chapter delves into but essentially you are funneling rain water from your gutters into a barrel.

Fortunately, my family lives on the edge of a large pond. My father managed to jerry rig a pump that draws water up from the pond to our garden so we can water our plants without paying extra. Fish poop is always a good fertilizer too!

Do you have a rain barrel? How has it helped your homestead? Comment below!

Click here to read my review of Chapter Five - Part Three!

First photo (modified by @kiaraantonoviche) from Pexels and used under the CC0 license. Information, charts, scanned photos, and/or quote(s) from The Weekend Homesteader: A 12 Month Guide to Self-Sufficiency by Anna Hess. Article contains affiliate links through Amazon.

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hy @kiaraantonoviche
Thank you for making the content so interesting and useful.
the information you provide is very meaningful to me

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