Quick and easy hacksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #homesteading7 years ago

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Dilly beans, I am told, are a Southern Dish. I must confess I’m a “born and bred” Texan, lived most of my life in South Texas, and have NEVER eaten dilly beans.

I spend a lot of time trolling the internet for recipes and food preservation techniques. I have been seeing quite a few variations on the recipe and this has piqued my interest. Maybe because the green bean harvests are going on right now! So a couple days ago I decided I was going to makes some dilly beans. I started paying attention to the processes and one day I remembered I have 2 quarts of dill pickle juice left over from a canning project earlier this month and it’s just sitting in the fridge.

So ... I decided to take a “short cut”.

I bought a “mess” of beans at the farmers market.

Big Mess.jpg

I cut the ends off of each bean, the way the recipes all say to do it.

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Then I cut each bean so that there were pieces long enough to be placed vertically in a pint canning jar and leave a ½ inch headspace. If there wasn’t enough length to cut two, I put the shorter pieces in a separate bowl.

Next I started placing each bean in so it ran vertically.

ready to can.jpg

I packed them in there pretty tight, and when each jar was full I poured some of the pickle juice to cover the beans. I put a plastic lid on the jar and shook it gently to dislodge any bubbles. I topped off the jar and cleaned the rim with a clean paper towel dipped in vinegar. This gets any sugars, or fats off the jar and allows the lid to make better contact with the jar during canning. Then I placed a lid and ring on the jar and tightened the ring to “fingertip tight”. I lowered each jar into the water in the canner when they were securely sealed.

Note, at this point the water in the canner was not warm, and the contents of the jars were not either.

I don’t have a rack for this canner so I placed 5 rings on the bottom of my pan.

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This protects the jars from being in contact with the bottom of the pan. It also increases circulation around the whole jar.

When the canner was full (I did only 3 jars of beans) I poured in enough water to be sure there at least an inch of water over the lids.

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Then I turned on the heat and slowly let the temp of the water rise until it came to a rolling boil. I covered the pot and let it boil for 25 minutes.

I let the jars rest for about 10 minutes, and then, using a jar lifter, I moved each jar to a folded towel, in a still area. (We don’t want to get those jars exposed to cool breezes)

The jars will stay there for 24 hours to cool. When the jars come out of the canner, the cut ends were floating towards the top with a lot of juice at the bottom. Once things cooled down, they redistributed.

cut ends to can.jpg

Here is an image of the finished “Dilly Beans”.


I will allow them to sit on the pantry shelf for about 3 weeks, and then I’ll try some. Hopefully I’ll remember to let you know how they taste. I call this a “hack” because I didn’t have to go through the process of creating the pickle juice before canning the beans. It saves at least half an hour, and as most of you know, a half hour saved here and there can really add up.

Please note, I am not an expert in food preservation, or pickeling, or even homesteading. I am just a woman who loves to put up food to feed my family. These are the steps I followed to make my version of Dilly Beans.

If you found something interesting educational or inspirational in this post, stay tuned for more adventures in canning and everyday life with:

Kate the Busy Boomer


Looking forward to reading how they taste! Looks good :D

@artwithflo, thanks I'm excited to find out if I love or hate dilly beans.

the time you saved in the kitchen is time you can spend in the garden or reading or posting on steemit ;) thanks for sharing

@freakygeak Some of that saved time is spent with @daddykirbs doing a live show most Saturday mornings. Thanks for the kind words. Look forward to seeing you too.

I say that is time very well spent then :)

... and much appreciated too!

@daddykirbs and @freakygeak, Awww you guys are gonna turn this girls head.

Looking good. I just canned some potatoes and tomatoes!

@florio good for you. I love having potatoes and tomatoes on my pantry shelves. Makes meal time preparations so much easier. What else do you can?

Oops, I almost missed this post! Good thing I looked over here again. I have been wanting to learn how to make the Dilly Beans!

@daddykirbs, hopefully they will turn out well. Will let you know. Hey, I might bring you one of the jars...then you can tell us as well! Feel like being a guinea pig?

very nice post! Beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow and get a very quick harvest.. Often i have too many and want to keep the baby ones that are so crisp and tasty.. This is a nice way to do it!

thanks for posting!

@eco-alex Thanks for the comment. I have had very poor luck with beans, but great luck with broccoli, Who knows what will do well??? So glad you can use the information in this post. You are welcome.

Lol! Im total oppostie
I never get broccoli going !

@eco-alex one of the greatest mysteries for my life is what will grow from the seeds I plant. Oh, yes, I make the rows, and amend the soil, and follow everything I think will help, but I just never know what will germinate and grow. Kinda like a mystery novel that you can't figure "who done-it" until the last page.

i know that one! ;-)) lol
sometimes the 'weeds' are tastier than the veggies too around here!

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