30-Day+ Flock Feeder - How To Build a Long Term Feeder for a Small Flock of 18 Chickens

in #homesteading6 years ago


I'm a problem-solver. I fix things.

I don't like to live with some never-ending issues that could be made better.

Everything could be made better. It just takes a little ingenuity and the will to make it happen to make things better. I'm that guy. Here's a perfect example of something that makes a hassle more tolerable.

Hassle - less

We've been wrestling with daily chicken chores making sure our ladies have feed, clean water and clean nesting boxes. We also let them out of the coop every morning, then shut them up at night.

Some days you want to SLEEP IN!

Carrying 3-gallon buckets of feed to the coop everyday gets old. Cleaning crap out of the waterer gets older.

These chickens are ULTRA messy and wasteful.

There should be a way to cut the mess and wasteful peckiness. We found an instructable for it.

And there should be a way to make it less cumbersome to refill therefore we came up with this design.


We tried DTube but no cigar. So yeah, we hate it but here it goes from YT.

Material List

Tools Needed

  1. table saw
  2. belt sander & 100-grit belt
  3. chop saw
  4. jig saw & narrow fine blade
  5. caulk gun
  6. rags
  7. drill & bits
  8. t-post driver or big hammer

Very creative solution. I must say, I am a fan of making farm chores easier and we don't even have the homestead set up yet! Ha ha ha! Plus, sleeping in sounds like a dream... not that the twins will let that happen anytime soon. -Aimee

Hi Aimee, Let me tell you how it works. If you want to sleep in the kids will wake up early. If you have to get up early and you need the kids to get up too well they will want to sleep in! Good luck! Hahaha

Thanks for stopping by. Your homestead's going to be set up as the twins are growing. Ours is not set up the way we have it planned yet but a little progress is progress!

Ah ha ha ha! Isn't that always the case? One of our twins is finally on the growth chart, but despite being small he is crushing his milestones. He has been waking up at 5am and that's just too early, especially when his sister sleeps until 6-6:30. Today, I gave him a big bowl of yogurt, then nursed him, then put him back down and not only did he sleep until 7 but I had to wake him up to keep their nap schedule on course! I keep telling Matt I am glad we are planning to grow our own food, including livestock, because our kids have HUGE appetites!

Yes! Every little bit of progress counts! I imagine we will go through several evolutions ourselves. Looking forward to watching your progress. -Aimee

Hahahaha that is so funny! Children are wonderful, they give us so much joy. Sometimes frustration too but that's nothing compared to the joy and blessing of them.

Heh, nap time is a battle with the two boys. They fight it if they can.

I am excited of the potential of our little homestead, equally exciting how yours turn out!

Hey that's awesome!!! We need to get some more chooks as the last lot got eaten by a fox - gutted!!!

Love your problem solving skills. There's something super satisfying about it, I agree! I'm happiest with no money and a problem to solve! And how useful is PVC tubing for all sorts of projects!

I have been looking at some solutions to make raising chickens easier for a while. We were planning on taking a 6 week trip overseas and I wanted to make it very easy on My wonderful Neighbour who was going to watch over our place.
I have another post coming soon with the long term watering device. I think it is even more awesome than this!

We put up 8 foot tall deer fence and electric wire around the bottom and we have not lost one while they are inside the run. We have lost however 3 to predators 1 Hawk 1 Fox 1 Bobcat.

Oh we don't have to contend with bobcats here! Yes we need some time and money to put in some good fencing. Looking forward to new post!

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