
Gun rights are to keep the govt honest.

You're 100% right but how do we create the change that is needed to alter that? I totally agree with you as I'm a big proponent of folks like Mr. Money Mustache and Dave Ramsey and lead a debt-free lifestyle myself, but getting others onboard is a tough nut to crack. Part of that answer is educating others, but they have to 'want' it. In my experience it's almost like trying to convince people to eat healthy :)

The 30 minute sitcom ruined America. Think about it, the show presents a problem and solution all in 30 minutes. We got accustomed to having all our problems wants and needs filled ASAP. So in response to getting people on board to a debt free lifestyle, it will forever be hard because we are now an instant gratification society. We want "it" now and I deserve "it" now.

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