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RE: Here comes the rain again

in #homesteading5 years ago

Thank you for your remaining patience! I hope you don't need it before you recharge.

Harvest time is wonderful, even though I've been too busy to grow a garden myself the last few summers. Everyone else grows enough that I get to eat really well. You should make friends with farmers. Then you can have the apartment and all the good stuff too!

Posted using Partiko Android


Lol, most welcome! I keep a permanent recharging station hooked up... :D

Haha! I wish... I am probably too near the city (and city folks) to see much of any garden around... sigh!

I need a permanent recharging station! I wonder if they sell those on Amazon...

If you're too close to the city for an actual garden, I will send you garden dreams. Those work pretty well, although they don't take as much out of the food budget as a real garden.

Hahaha - Bet I'll sell plenty if I put "patience recharging station" on amazon... mostly from parents (human kids and furkids) too! :)

Ahhh, garden dreams... I wish...

You'll be rich! I would have bought one for every room in the house when my son was young.

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