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RE: Drying Oregano

in #homesteading6 years ago

Ha ha! Comfort and convenience makes farm work time better, lol! I also have this pair of jeans that I have owned at least a decade that I continue to wear when I garden, mow, or weedeat. They are rather hole-decorated at this point, and I know they irritate my children, so they are totally my favorite pants;)!

Oh, I am so sorry your mosquitoes are so horrid. For some strange reason mosquitoes do not bite me, rather they prefer to swarm around and perch on my head or arms for a rest or something. My dad's the same way, weird genetic mosquito repellent, and I always feel so sorry for the rest of humanity as those little buggers are relentless in their vampiric ways!

Oh, you have an Excalibur, those are so lovely! I looked into buying one, and still might someday, I love how the trays are situated. A lot of the time in the summer here our humidity is like 11%, so drying things is easy, but the science-loving part of me adores the control aspect that you can achieve with your dehydrator! I can't wait to see all of your drying activities if you are going to blog about them this summer! That's awesome!!!


My garden clothes and my straw hat are just this side of rags. They get worn until they are rags. So I'm not at all stylish like @walkerland!

I suppose there must be drawbacks to 11% humidity, but I sure can't think of one! No wonder you can dry so successfully.

I actually have 2 9 tray Excaliburs. One is on a sort of permanent loan to me....

One thing I have found with the mosquitoes is that if I don't have anything sweet to eat in the 12 hours before I go out, they don't bother me as much. But lately, that's not been happening...

Ha ha! I thinks it's stylish to be the opposite of stylish;o)

I wore the same straw hat for years until I had to whack an unruly bovine on the rump with it and my adored hat disinigrated into a thousand pieces. I mourned.

Our summer days are usually in the mid eighties during the day and around fifty-five at night on average. It's glorious. There are some growing challenges and an occasional blast of humidity from a thunderstorm, but I sure love it:o)

And now I am super, super almost envious, not one but two Excaliburs, lol, lucky lady!!

Had a good laugh about the sugar thing, good luck with that;o)!

My hat's crown got sewed together before I started using it this year, so it's good for another year.

I am envious of your temps, they are pretty reasonable for summer.

My garden clothes and my straw hat are just this side of rags. They get worn until they are rags. So I'm not at all stylish like @walkerland!

I suppose there must be drawbacks to 11% humidity, but I sure can't think of one! No wonder you can dry so successfully.

I actually have 2 9 tray Excaliburs. One is on a sort of permanent loan to me....

One thing I have found with the mosquitoes is that if I don't have anything sweet to eat in the 12 hours before I go out, they don't bother me as much. But lately, that's not been happening...

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