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RE: Gleaning Herbs for Winter

in #homesteading7 years ago

Those lovage seeds look like dill seeds. Which, we are harvesting and putting away for this winter.

Also, I lucked out and had a neighbor clearing a huge patch of 'invasive' mint. I volunteered to do a fare amount of the work, and brought home two brown bags full, which we dried by either hanging or spreading out and air drying. These have almost all been stripped and jarred now.
Also we have corriander seeds still in the garden(from our cilantro, which we love).
Also, we have cut and hung some lavender flower stalks, for teas later.

Havent had any surplus of other mints or oregano because we harvest too frequently, and often I add them to my smoothie!!

Thanks for sharing!!!


They do look very much alike, but the plants look completely different.

I feel the same way about coriander as I do cilantro. My husband loves coriander though especially in cheese.

Are all lavenders edible?

I've never had oregano in a smoothie, is it a powerful taste?

Fresh oregano does not have an overpowering taste...I put in enough herbs that I never notice or think 'eh! Oregano'

As far as lavender, a small quantity is edible. The flowers are edible.

My smoothie is like a small boost of natures' medicine chest.

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