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RE: DREAM GREENHOUSE What's your style? Long term Solutions for Homesteaders, Permaculturists and Plant Lovers.

in #homesteading7 years ago

Oooo post the link if you have it! Kinda reminds me of a design I saw that rotates chickens and veggies in a mandala design. They do all the work after each crop and keep everything clean, dug and fertilized. I also would not be keen on digging a Walapini by myself but there are work parties, or better yet, workshops. Google your brains out for a week/month, in the meantime, set a date advertise on here and get a group of enthusiasts who will pay good money to learn, work and share an unforgettable experience that empowers them to do the same... maybe when they get land or their wife gives them permission now that they 'know' what they are doing. That's how I got into Earthships, just helped a buddy. you could also do a hybrid with rammed tires and a bit less digging down.
Shade cloth is brilliant, though vines add yum and reduce sun too (oh but they also die, right). And submerged beds instead of raised, etc etc.
Though it must get hella cold there in the winter no? Something against the south side of the house could mean you don't have to put your shoes on for cherry tomatoes in Nov, plus could cut down on your heating bill. Earthship Vol III gets into retrofits for existing houses if you're interested. I will do some more research on how-tos too @farmstead :)


Fantastic! Thank you so much :)

Also I think yours is actually my favorite since I could see that getting applied to them all! Really nice video too! you know, @farmstead , I almost don't care if we make a bishillion cryptos on here... having good ideas and fresh eggs is kindof more valuable! Congrats on the double yorker too, btw! I see it as a great Omen for you!!!

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