
Sheshh DC, we can’t even talk about you behind your back?!!!

Oh dear me. Yes stick to the humor. Hubs thought I should blog his motor build.🙄 I have enough trouble tricking people into reading my stuff already. I don't think the Roadkill fans are on Steemit.
Actually it was interesting to hear how you found your voice here. I am still working on that myself. I wouldn't have this post if I hadn't went all stalker on Beeyou. I have trouble coming up with one a week at times.Love that you found what works for you. I think I will go see what else you wrote.
P.S. How did I know mentioning goat to that girl would give me an interesting reply

Sounds good. By the way I grew up in the back woods of Arkansas so I could deffinatly put those muskrat traps to use. Now that I am in the city I really miss hunting and fishing. Never kept bees though. Not my thing I guess. Lol on the goats comment. I hate goats, they are the most disgusting obnoxious animal I know of. Cows are pretty dumb but goats take it to another level. Plus they like to climb on things, INCLUDING your car and that is a big no go for me. Don't touch my cars.

I would hate to have to pull out those dents. I have a few that the goat couldn't hurt any. There is a '41 project that really may end up on the blog eventually. Only because I want to work on that one some myself and I desperately need content. I am too busy not to multitask.
Now you are gonna make me goggle muskrat. People actually still trap?
My friend had a goat. She came home one day to find him in the middle of the dining room table with a roll of TP hanging out of his mouth. I find them humorous I can just look at one and laugh. Don't think I need to own one though.

looks like $3 a pelt. Hell I wish I knew coyotes were worth anything. I have shot the shit out of those horrible bastards. They use to come up and kill out chickens, turkeys, ducks, and any other small animal they could get to.

Oh lord Maybe I really did marry a barbarian. I sure hope the inlaws aren't seriously expecting me to learn trapping and tanning. That sounds harder than collecting 300 steam pennies. Y'all come back now ya hear.

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