Raising Kids on a Homestead!!! Benefits that we have found.

in #homesteading6 years ago


@thefarmerswife and I were talking last night about our kids and the childhood they are able to have here on the homestead/farm. I might be a little biased but I think we are giving our children an amazing childhood full of experiences that many young people will never have. After talking with my wife, we came up with three things that our kids will benefit from by our choice to raise them out in the country.


Number 1: They are learning what work is. Our children work! I know in today’s society that might sound extremely harsh. No, our kids do not work 8 hours a day. We are not by any means slave drivers. But our kids do know how to work and there are times that as a family we all have to chip in and work extremely hard. I think a work ethic is something that many young people are missing. When I was growing up my family ran a goose hatchery in the spring and summer time. From age 8, I learned how to work and work hard. I have so many good memories of our hatchery and it taught me so many valuable life lessons. I think learning what work is at a young age will be a huge advantage to any child.


Number 2: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, expect death and taxes”. Benjamin Franklin. This is one of my favorite quotes. We won’t be talking about taxes here. That is the subject for another post. Death though is a part of life. There is no getting around it. Here on the farm our children get to experience death. They learn that death is hard and can be very difficult but it is a part of life. More than just learning that things die, I hope we are teaching them that life is precious and that we need to be living it to our fullest because in the end we all will die. That sounds so harsh and dark but it is true and on the homestead/farm we come across death sometimes much more than we want to but when you forget to lock the chickens in the coop at night the owls and foxes will eat them. A lesson my oldest son has learned on more than one occasion. My hope though is from those hard lessons on life and death my children will come to an appreciation for this wonderful gift of life we all have been blessed with and live their lives to the fullest.


Number 3: How to manage money. At 9 years old my oldest son knows how to run a small business. His business is selling chicken eggs. He has learned that in order to have eggs to sell you must first keep an inventory of laying hens, which cost money to buy. He has learned he must keep a steady supply of chickens growing because chicken do get old and stop laying and he does forget to lock the chickens in the coop at night and sometimes they get eaten. He has also learned that chickens eat a lot of food, which costs money. If he wants his little brother to help him with the chickens then he has to pay him. All these expenses of having chickens has to be paid out of the egg money earned. He has learned that just because someone gives him $3 for a dozen eggs, that it is not all profit. It is learning how a business works and about expenses and profits that I believe my 9 year old son will benefit from in the future. Even though it is a very small business, he is still learning from his mistakes which I hope will enable him to be more successful in the future.


Those are the things that I was pondering with my wife last night. By no means am I saying that you have to be a homesteader or a farmer to teach you kids these three life lessons. I think you can teach them these things no matter if you live in a city, subdivision, or out in the country. This farmer just feels that these three things that my wife and I are intentionally teaching our children are very important. I hope this gets you all thinking about the important things each and every one of us are teaching children, whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or just a family friend we all are responsible to teach the children around us life lessons that will enable them to be productive members of our society


Love the way you are teaching your kids about all kinds of things, as for death I think it is just a transition from our world to another world. I keep telling my daughter that you are a soul and not a body, and while the body can die the soul is eternal and it just goes from one world to another as per Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. It is very unfortunate how the media is dividing us but at the core of religion we believe in the same things and we share many similarities.
It is also ok for Children to start learning about work and how society functions at early ages through real experience than try and learn it from today's media and virtual games which does not reflect the real world.

Yes. I am not a big fan of the media at all. I do believe they are purposely trying to cause division and unrest, by spreading half truths and lies. I also believe our souls will live on after our bodies die. Thank you for the comment. Have a good night or is it day time in Dubai? Either way thank you for taking the time to read my blog and comment.

My wife and I were talking to one of our daughters in law a couple of weeks ago. She was commenting on how her husband always talks about what a great childhood he had. We told her the reason he thinks that (besides the fact that it was a great childhood) is that we constantly pointed out to him how great it was.
He remembers it being great because we told him it was great. :-)

I will have to try that with my 3 kids. Good advice

I can guarantee that your children will grow becoming stronger than they ever were than those living in an urban environment depending on their electrical products such as laptops and smartphone.

Now, children do not go out to play and they are being glued to watching television all day long and exposed to junk food. My main goal in this life is to move to a remote countryside and avoid the dangers of an urban lifestyle. Upvoted!

I wish you the best in that adventure. We love it out in the country. Thank you for the comment

As I've probably said before, my life growing up on the farm was so crucial. I learned more real skills for life than I ever learned in school or college. I think you guys are doing amazing things for the future of your kids.

Thank you! We want to give our kids the best experiences we can. I agree farm life is a good life!

Love it! We are raising up our kids the same way, and I feel like this is really a wonderful childhood for them. ♥

I couldn't agree more.

We raised our children the same way as you describe. They all all grown with families of their own now. Another life lesson that we found valuable with a lifestyle on the farm is learning “consistency.” On a farm there are many “day in and day out”type activities that just MUST be done for life to go on . My kids learned this and never had a problem meeting challenges in life and dealing with whatever came there way with steadfastness.

Love it! Way to raise up those arrows. They will be mighty!!!

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