An Intentional Apprenticeship to a Mountaintop

I wrote a while back about An Accidental Apprenticeship to a Mountaintop. I have deepened my commitment. It has become An Intentional Apprenticeship to a Mountaintop!


Two springs ago, I received the message that this Homestead, this Mountaintop was waiting for me to "Show Up". I also knew I wasn't ready to show up in the way it Needed me to.

I had more to Learn, more to Release, more Healing and Wholing to do within myself. Unknowingly, I had entered into a time of learning to Receive.


I have learned to Receive...

...Gratitude from others for what I offer this world and the folks I interact with.

...Love in its many forms. Most importantly from my Partner in the form of Total support of this path I have taken on.

...Things Folks are so willing to give stuff like hay, manure, plants, eggs...etc. A Hand Up rather than a Hand Out...

...A Window into my World
I think this was the most valuable. I have been given the gift of seeing myself through others eyes. I've been given stories and photos, songs and works of art...all representing the impacts I have had in their lives.

I have Received solid Grounding in Myself... and in Be-ing part of a Whole. I have become aware of the ebb and flow of the All.

Self value has been and continues to be something I struggle with. Learning to Receive has aided me more along that journey than anything else and much more than I ever anticipated was possible.

I have been a very independent woman for my whole life. My Self-Worth was previously defined by how much I didn't need anyone. By how much I could give without needing to take. It was a troublesome Illusion.

Washburn trip august of 07 029.jpg
Illusion of Isolation

In learning to Receive I have learned to offer help to others with a whole new level of compassion, a new level of purpose.

I have crossed a Bridge into a Greater Truth... of Unity.

All that is needed to continue the passion is to decide you are worthy and proceed. Jaime Sams

Back to the Present

This Spring has me answering the call to "Show Up"

I have been receiving messages that the time is now.

I am fully engaged in experiencing this journey which is unfolding before me.

I am willing to take on the labels that my Soul recognized, but until recently my shoulders didn't feel strong enough ...or worthy enough to carry.


I am a Healer...
My medicine looks like me... feels just like me... Is ME! Its a perfect fit!

I am a Facilitator...
I have the gift of getting folks to show up... in physical space, and beyond.

I am a Caretaker...
This mountaintop has gifts to offer to those that visit. I act as caretaker of this Sacred Space so others may come and experience what they are meant to.

I practice the Art of Hospitality... that's another post!

I have Shown Up... Fully, Humbly, Ready to Love and Be Loved...

Let the Future Unfold.

~all text and images are my own

Homesteaders Online

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Yes! this is the kind of stuff I'm looking for! People sharing real life experiences and looking for real interactions.

This right here:

A Hand Up rather than a Hand Out...

I think you'd be interested in this program me and @notconvinced are putting together. It's essentially combining the many facets of wwoofing, workaway, homestays and couchsurfing into one steemit based platform. Free of fees and monetarily helpful for the people who get involved.

It would mean that we as property owners can make posts connected with the steemitworldmap looking for helpers or travelers to come stay with us on our lands, helping with big projects and learning/sharing skills. Travelers or local friends would then be able to connect with steemit users world-wide in personal meet ups and collective group gatherings.

It would be beautiful to see people hosting workshops and lessons, or just even offering a place to stay in return for some help around the lands.

So good to see you blooming into this Healing, Caretaking, Facilitating role! Your energy is definitely magnetic, I hope that these online communities help bring you all positive energy in return!

The "hand ups instead of hand outs" srood out for me too when I read the post.

Nice @coyoteom, the explanation of this project is getring fine tuned more and more, it's looking really good. Have others shown interest?

We actually just shared the first announcement post introducing the platform with all the details this morning!

We have seen individual interest in our discord groups, but are hoping to gain some more ground once we release our SBD prize contest on the 19th for naming the platform and creating tags. I would love to be able to use this personally as a home base human and a world traveler. I think the opportunities are really quite endless once we are able to connect humans in need of skills with people willing to help.

Also planning on creating a curation account for the project to help ease access for folks who don't follow along so easy with discord groups (like myself!)

Just read throigh the whole post and thread... wow yea there are a lot of people interested. This is a great initiative!

I like the idea of another account for curating it.

I wish to be in on the creation/implementation of this!

I'm so wanting to get down there and see your magical mountain for myself. It wont be long now.

Looking forward to it!

That was amazing! I am excited to see your journey unfold!

Thanks for the lessons that came through your voice and actions!!
I cant wait to share what it all becomes!

Love ya!

You are beautiful! Maybe the moutaintop wasn't completely ready for you until now... that first message was a preliminary call, so you could find the strength to receive with the intent to give.

Ooh I don't know if that made any sense I kind of just went with the flow, anyway I'm happy for you!

This was the sweetest comment. I believe you are right... It makes perfect sense!
I've said that I needed some wilding and some taming and so did this place... Creative balance!

Hugs until next time.

Yes until next time!

I love reading how you've grown. It's so encouraging that no matter how far we've come, there's always more room to grow in ourselves.

Thanks!!! We are blessed with community. Everything above in Gratitude to @freedompoint is yours as well... in the balance the two of you have found together and share with us!
Love ya!

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

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