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RE: Compost Grows Bigger, A Battle Against Clay Soil, And Shiitake Spawn Takeover The Sawdust - April 5th 2018

in #homesteading6 years ago

Interesting info, thank you for your encouragement. There are definitely some horse, goat and alpaca farms around here that would perhaps be willing to depart with a trash can or two full of the muck.. great idea!

With regular turning I hope to have my new compost pile ready by early Summer, late Spring. ironically, without composting or farming in mind, I had spent last fall making piles of leaves and refuse in other locations around the property.. that thinking now, would make excellent amendments to the soil as well.

AHHH so much to learn and do! Crazy! And i though I was smart at weather and science! Never ending knowledge! Glad I have some books on this stuff too if the internet ever fails for good and I can't chat with yall super helpful people!


There are some wonderful books on permaculture too, if you haven't ventured into that area.
When we emulate Nature, we align with her principles and gardening becomes easier (note I didn't say "easy"!)
We live on a river ravine with the primary jungle coming right up to our terraced vegetables gardens, so our biggest challenge is discouraging the troop of monkeys that regularly visit, that our cherished, nurtured and loved veggies, are destined for our bellies, not theirs!
Then we remember, they were here a long time before us!
Veggie Gardens - Heaven in Bali.jpg

Oh that sounds like an interesting challenge. And looks like an amazing garden you have! I can only imagine all the hours of labor to create such a landscape of green life! And the dirt on your hands would tell a lot of stories yeah?

Yall got kids? Grandkids? Lucky kids if so..

Lot's of dirt under the fingernails too!
One older daughter in Australia an environmentalist like me and twin 8 year old girls here in Bali, who love to help in the garden.
In fact, they go to an amazing alternative school, where they grow their own vegetarian lunch.
And you biffybirdcam?

None. Hopes of kids.. but none yet. @kelsnm and I both agree now is not the time.

Congratulations on your family!

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