Garden update : Waiting Impatiently For Spring in Alaska

in #homesteading6 years ago

I transplanted some of my plants into larger pots, and got some grow lights for my little green house.
The green house is still sitting next to the fireplace

Well the snow has melted away from the house enough that my rhubarb is starting to show.

I started transplanting two days ago. I started with my herbs, and green beans.
The plant I am holding is a lemon basil I planted in an egg shell. The membrane in the eggs are very thick, almost like a rubber or leather. So I just peeled the eggs off the plants.

I reused some of the flat trays the garden centers toss at the end of the seasons.
Last year I tried to plug the holes with hot glue, it worked kinda. But this year since I will have electricity below the trays I got fancy and put garbage bags over the trays to prevent them from leaking water.

We went shopping yesterday and I was able to get three grow lights to zip tie to the bottom of the shelfs.
I love using zip ties.
I am to zip ties and Red Green is to duck tape. LOL

A close up of the plants under their new lights.
The plants are kinda hard to see, but they are there promise.

Here are the plants in the big green house.
I am prepping the potatoe buckets more. They have been painted black, and filled half way with dirt. It’s still to cold to plant though, and I have seed potatoes that need to be planted.

Hope you are well, and your spring has sprung.

Life in Alaska

All photos and content are our own. Please do not use any part of this post without our expressed permission. Thanks for not being a dick


im waiting on spring to plant myself aswell it sucks haha im from saskatchewan we still have 2 and 3 feet of snow on the ground in some places

And now there is like none, weather warmed up and we got rain and it melted 90% of it, just a bit left in dark corners of yards, crazy how fast it changed. today was plus 16 celcius, meanwhile two weeks ago we had minus 40 degrees celcius. saskatchewan weather is bi polar and forgot its meds

I think spring is finally here in Ga. I went out and put 6 tomato plants in the ground and this evening I will put in 6 more and get some seeds in the ground.

Nice! All depending on where you walk out here, depends on the snow amount. We have some spots that are 1.5 feet deep, some 10 inch spots, and some that are bare ground. It is currently 64°F here, the sky is clear too. The snow is melting quick and flooding everything 😣 we have water 6” deep if not more in some places.

I love that egg-shell idea!

Rhubarb just popped up here in Milwaukee too. Fresh snow!

Thanks! Just remember to poke a good size hole in the bottom for dramage. 🤦‍♀️ I had to go back through them all after planting and poke holes.
Duck eggs are twice as hard as chicken eggs, so I suggest you use chicken eggs.

I went and checked out your stuff, it looks like your stuff was very close to planting, the nature was all sike! 🌨❄️🌨 LOL so annoying. Hopefully you still have your plastic on your beds and it melts quickly.

Got it -- holes in the bottom. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog!

There's still a bit of snow on the ground where I am, but it's melting fast now. I went and looked at the community garden plot that I rented for this year, and it's snow free, so I need to go and lay black plastic on the ground to try to kill some of the grass before I start working in the plot. I won't plant anything until toward the end of May when there's very little frost danger.

Oh yeah! That’s cool about the community plot thing. I am horrible at timing the last frost.

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