
are they anything you'd ever consider buying second hand? or are they too persnickety & should be bought brand new?

I've known people who buy second hand or have been handed down old ones. Mine had been purchased new and a gift. I really wish I knew what had happened to it.

do socks have a tendency to disappear in your household? i bet they're all having a party together somewhere in the hide-o-sphere.

do you know where those socks go? To the time guys. They don't care whether they match or not. lol either that or they got sucked out of the barrel of your washing machine when it was over loaded and went into the drain. :)

LOL - i got a good chuckle out of this!

buying second hand is okay if you don't see potmarkings on rim where the seal sits and the kettle has no cracks. Always get a new gasket for the lid and make sure the vent valve is clear. They really are very durable.

i have a feeling someone out there on the island has one that they're not using.

if you have a local home extension office they will probably be able to test the gauge itself. That would be the only other issue with the canner. Happy Canning!

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