Homesteadersonline Seed Exchange Weekly Giveaway: Broccoli, Marigolds & Calendula Up For Grabs

HomesteadersOnline would like to invite all members to enter into our seed and more weekly GIVEAWAY .

Each Monday or Tuesday @beatitudes8 and @goldendawne will take turns giving away seeds and more for any and all HomesteadersOnline members within the Continental United States (customs issue). With over 250 members world wide, , it will not be too long before we can start giving away seeds(and more) in every country, And in fact we now have a seed and more in Canada! We are a growing community and we are always looking for active members! If you are not a member and enjoy Homesteading, Gardening, Farming, Prepping, DIY, Permaculture, Chickens, Goats, Cows, Sheep, Ducks, Turkeys, Fruit/Nut Trees, Bee's, Homemade Wine, Home Brewery etc? I would highly recommend becoming apart of this wonderful community. We are Steemits HomesteadersOnline.

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How you can win

All you have to do is be a HomesteadersOnline member and simply comment, resteem and/or UPvote this post and you are entered into the weekly giveaway! Winners will be drawn randomly each week.

seeds giveaway.jpg

This week's seeds come from a donation by @llfarms and includes the following: "broccoli seeds (which are so small, it didn't seem like much...even though there should be about 100 seeds there. So I added some Calendula and Marigold....they are both good calendula has great medicinal purposes and marigold is great for keeping pests out of the garden"

THANK YOU @LLFARMS for the donation!

THANK YOU @llfarms for your donation this week!

See who this week's seed exchange with @beatitudes8 giveaway

If you'd like to donate and contribute, please contact me or @beatitudes8 on Discord messaging!

REMINDER- in the HSO Discord Group we also have a channel called the Seed Swap for members who are looking for seeds and have an abundance and want to share. For more information see the original post here.

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Wooohooo, Canada give away!!! Exciting news!!!
Thank you for putting this together @goldendawne and @beatitudes8, Thank you @llfarms for the give away!

I have just read that marigold is recommended for people with glaucoma, nightclothes (nicalopia) and diurnal (hemeralopia), those who work hard on the computer or who overwhelm their eyes by nature (drivers, train drivers, air traffic controllers), in maintaining visual acuity, retinal pigmentation and myopia. So, it's good to have this flowers in our gardens.
Thanks to you all for all your effort!

Oh wow! That's cool! I have horrible vision... if I'm not wearing my glasses.. well, forget it.
I'll have to read more about that too.

Yes, you have to! I love to treat myself naturally with plants, essential oils, teas and also I use dietary supplements. Thanks for upvote!

Same here. I have been dabbling with EOs and herbs for the last year so much and love coming up with new herbal tea mixtures!

thank you for the donation, @llfarms! always excited about more flowers to mix in with veggies.

thanks of course to @goldendawne and @beatitudes8 - y'all are awesome!

So excited that you have started this. I can't wait to take advantage of the homesteaders online seed swap after harvest this year....this is an amazing example of how social media can bring people together in such a beneficial way. Thank you so much for the shout out, I'm happy to be apart of it. ❤🌱🌿🌸

So jealous! I need to start one in Canada.....

Contact @gardengirlcanada you two could work together.

Good idea!! Thank you

Marigolds are an effective insect repellent for sure. Great Idea!

Yes and I have about 2k seeds waiting to be seed bombed soon!

Awesome. I'd love to be entered. Thanks. RESTEEM!

Got you entered!

You all are doing a great job! Thank You!

Thank you!!! I love sending out seeds... and love sharing with all of you!

I have done all of the above. :) I would love some brocolli seeds We have Calendula established already. It's almost time to start them.

I am doing calendula this year for the first time- super anxious! I love the flowers- they're so beautiful

@goldendawne, boy, am I behind or what! Sorry I didn't see this reply. The calendula glow in the dark I swear. @fishyculture makes a linament with the petals. It works wonderfully for muscle soreness.

I upvoted
I've always wanted to share my own seeds as well
I have an excess of gourd seeds
Though i should probably amass more before i offer them..

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