Grow Tent Set-Up & Indoor Garden Flourishing: WE HAVE Tomatoes!


Hydroplanet Grow Light Fixture HPS 150W Complete System with Hydroplanet Lamp

Most of you know my set-up with my indoor garden and spring prep area. The Lighthouse Hydro Hydroponics Grow Tent (32 by 32 by 84-Inch) is a perfect fit in my large kitchen corner area and has really helped me with getting an early start on my seedlings; as well as continuing to be able to have fresh herbs throughout the winter months.

I have decided that for next winter I will be constructing some wire shelves to go inside the tent to allow for more plants, containers and herbs. The way I am figuring it, I have plenty of space to be able to have two shelving units on each side of the tent with room in the center for supplies and extra things.

For the summer months, while everything is outside in the ground or in my two greenhouses, I'll probably leave the grow tent up (it was difficult to put together; trust me)

I love the light fixture inside the grow tent too. It came with the ballast and bulb, doesn't get overly hot and is set up on a timer for approximately 8 hours of sunlight per day. I bought it on Amazon and doesn't affect my power/utility costs too much; an average of an additional $3 per month. It's a Hydroplanet Grow Light Fixture HPS 150W Complete System with Hydroplanet Lamp.

Inside The Grow Tent


All of my herbs and plants are thriving inside; from the two Aloe Vera plants to the lemon balm, catnip and dill. My two tomato plants are doing better than I had ever expected them to do.

Between the two plants, I have five tomatoes currently growing.


One of the five tomatoes growing inside the grow tent

Every week I try to rotate some of the plants to make sure they are getting adequate light from the grow light. The humidity level inside has been fluctuating between 37%-52%; and I know as the tomatoes get closer to growing larger and then eventually being ready to pick, I will need to up the humidity level. I still have a month or so until that will need to happen, so I am hoping by then the other plants and herbs will be moved out to the greenhouses.


Here is today's humidity and temperature check from inside the tent.

I really like this indoor humidity and temperature monitor; as it keeps track of the highs and lows of humidity and temperature. No need for a journal with this. So when I checked on the plants, the humidity was 47% with a nice 68-degrees inside.

lemon balm.jpg

Lemon Balm will be transplanted outside into the herb garden later this spring/summer.


Chervil was in grow tent but moved to windowsill now. This will be going in the ground in my herb garden later this spring/summer.


Basil- was in grow tent but has been moved to windowsill also. This will be transplanted outside once I have more tomato plants in the ground and growing. I like to have basil growing near my tomato plants.

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You already have tomatoes growing? Wow, someone is a real gardener. Not that I was doubting you, but I haven't gotten seeds in the ground and you're getting ready to harvest. Ha ha. Good job!

Thank you! This was my first indoor garden officially and I have to say, the grow tent is a miracle item to have. Can't wait for the first tomato to ripen and be picked.

I would love to have a setup like this, just no place to put it right now. LOL. Looking good!

I was unsure at first myself for the space but luckily it sits off to the corner in the back of the kitchen so it's out of the way.

That does look impressive.

I'm trying to find something similar on Amazon UK. What sort of price did you have to pay for your complete system?

Do the tomatoes have to go outside for pollination - or can you hand pollinate?

In USD- the tent was $90, the humidity thermometer was $9 and the light fixture was $60. So about $160 total. I didn't pay shipping as I am an Amazon Prime member.

The tomato plants were pollinated as I had an oscillating fan outside the tent for about three weeks. I would run the fan an hour here, an hour there for the three weeks. Just trying to mimic the natural wind. Looks like it all worked for me too. I have to admit I was concerned about the pollination, but I read about it quite a bit. The oscillating fan was one I had from when I worked outside the home on my desk in the office. Not too powerful; just enough to give a breeze off.

Look how big that lemon balm has gotten! I remember when it was tiny little cute guys. :)) Cool about your tomatoes!

I know!! Only a few weeks ago the seeds were sowed. Time sure has flown by!

What an innovative write up. I never knew something of that works; I have really learned something knew. I am really having fun already in the community though am new to the community; you can check out my introductory post and know more about me.

I can't believe you already have tomatoes! That is so awesome and your Grow Tent is Fabulous!

Yes it is! I am so happy I bought one this season. Although this was sort of a test to see how things, I am quite pleased!

How neat!
Ive never used a grow tent before, looks like a handy set up!
Good job! All those plants look great.♥

Yes I think the tent was a life-saver for me this year. It has really come in handy. Should've have bought one years ago.

Good! Its wonderful to find those helpful things like that that work. :D

your plants look great! so excited for these tomatoes! you've got me thinking about grow tents now haha

I definitely recommend them. I never knew how good the grow tents could be. Now I wish I had bought one sooner.

This looks really cool! I suddenly got the urge to play the farming games I haven't picked up in months. :3

lol- I bet!
I absolutely love being out in my greenhouse. I talk to the plants and herbs all the time

These are beautiful! I’m impressed by people who learn and cultivate this skill. I’ve never been good at it and gave up trying to grow things. But, I’ve enjoyed reading about your efforts and the fruits of your labor.

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