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RE: Do You Diversify Your Homestead Income Sources?

in #homestead7 years ago

Wow, thanks for the reply and the constructive criticism regarding the title, I appreciate it. That is a lot of things you have done to diversify. We are lucky that where we are, eggs are still able to be sold at $6 a dozen for free range eggs. My son sells his at $4, but I have a friend who has very loyal customers and sells all she has at $6.

I have bags of wool, but as of yet have not found the time to wash, card, and spin it, though I'd like to.

I have found the YouTube to Steemit comparison to be about the same as well, although my sample sizes are smaller. A year of doing YouTube seriously, and only a few weeks on Steemit.

I have also started checking out local auctions to see if there are deals I can find to resell or use here on the homestead.

Thanks again for the reply, great info.


Man... $6 a dozen is great! That's probably what they're getting them for at the local (what I would call elite or tourist-level) farmer markets they have around here. But those are nearly impossible to get into, and most require dues + commitment outside the event for volunteering. Person-to-person sales are more around $3 a dozen for free range, pastured poultry.

I like your new title and tag. :)

See you around, I'm sure I'll drop in on some of your other posts. Wanna see what the hooded man video is about. :)

Yeah, she has a very devout following and we live in close proximity to yuppy Ann Arbor. See you around for sure. Hooded man?

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