♪♫ Fun at the Library! Making music-makers! ♪♫

Today was Library day again!

This time it was not a scheduled event exactly, but stations set up with activities.


First station was toilet paper tube kazoo making!


It was pretty simple. You just take a toilet-paper tube. Decorate it however you wish. (They had markers available, but you could use anything.)


Use a hole-punch to punch several holes from the top of the tube. Then cover the holes with wax paper and rubber-band it on tightly. Trim the paper.


I'll be honest here, we never got this to work properly. Im planning on looking up directions online and seeing what was missing. You put your mouth to the open end and hum, and experiment with covering the different holes. The instructions were super simple, and I'm wondering if an important step was left out... That's life, isn't it? It doesn't always work out as planned...

Next station was going to be tambourine making!! We were super excited, but they were out of paper plates, so we had to be satisfied with looking and remembering the instructions for later...


After looking at that, we moved on to the 'Shaker' station! They had many ideas of how to make shakers, but the only materials they had available were for water-bottle shakers. Water-bottle shakers, it is!


A couple other shaker ideas with plastic easter-eggs:

The kids had a blast filling their shakers with mixtures of rice and beans, and even a few sequins. Not sure the sequins were supposed to be use for the INSIDE of the shaker, but oh well!


The beans probably were not for the outside of the shakers either, but we do what we want!


Speaking of beans, my youngest Squid asked me to take this photo and say, "Something here does not belong, can you spot the impasta?!"


Some finished musical fun stuff!

My oldest son, who was not particularly interested in making a shaker, was happy to sit there and use plastic spoons to drum on the lid of the bean container.


My youngest found a book in one of his favorite series that he hasn't read yet and was super excited to read it while his sister finished up her shaker.


It was a fun trip. ♥ We finally finished up our crafts and were able to check out our books and head to the next stop, the thrift store! We donated some old things, shopped around, and then headed to the feed store to get food for our goaties!

Tomorrow we head back to the library, because there is going to be a guitarist coming to put on a show for everyone!


Thanks for coming along to the library with us today! We are having a blast with all the summer activities!

Have a wonderful day!! ♥


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Creative Commons License
This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



ooh I forget that there are resources like the library that provide some fun for my toddler!!!
It looks fun for the kids! I should go do that more too!
Thanks for the post!

Definitely head over there!!
They almost always have a toddler story-time, even during the school year! Usually they read aloud a couple stories and then have a craft or something afterward. Great way to get out and socialize and it's something fun and different for the kids to do. ♥

Beans on the outside, sequins on the inside, we do what we want! LOL! I love it. Looks like your kids had a great time.

can you spot the impasta?!

This line is classic.

Cheers, Aimee

That was what I noticed too. lol.

The beans did look cool and im sure the sequins do make noise...

My kids are definitely their own people, haha! Funny little people, at that.

Library trips are the best! We use to go all the time. Since we're down to one vehicle right now, we haven't been able to go as much.
Those instruments remind me of what my son brought home from summer school. He took a music class, which he absolutely loved! So it's cool to see others doing the same! lol.

Sorry you havent been able to go as much!
We have been enjoying ours so much lately! During the schoolyear, they dont have as much going on, but on summer break there are activities out the wazoo!
Sounds like your son had a great time at summer school! ♥

That looks like such fun!

We did have a lot of fun, thanks!!

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Awesome, thanks!

This looks really fun!! Your library visits are always so interesting. Making own musical instruments in a library? Hahaha, so cool @squishysquid. They really know how to get us back to the libraries again! :)

We had a ton of fun, thanks!! ♥

Yes! They are trying so hard! My library posted recently that their funds have been cut yet again, and that they're trying to show the community what a great place libraries are. It is sad, but in this day and age, it seems like the library may be a dying species...

Looks a lot of fun to make it. They look very cute and unique. Creative children :)

Thanks so much! ♥

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