Thinking about homeschooling? Here are some points to consider

Thinking about homeschooling? Here are some points to consider

Homeschooling is not an easy task but it is impossible or too complicated either. It requires dedication, organization and lots of love (which is easy). Deciding to homeschool is not always an easy decision to make because it requires a lot of time and commitment from the parents. If you are considering homeschooling (which you should absolutely consider!, see our article on why homeschooling is better for your kids) here are some points to think about that can help you decide what is best for you and your kids.

  1. It is highly recommended that you read a lot about homeschooling. On the internet there are many articles on advice, ideas, methods, curricula, among others, that will be of great help when making a decision if this is something you will be able to do.

  2. Do not allow yourself to be influenced by negative ideas of other people who do not know or had any experience with homeschooling. Seek out people who has home schooled to learn of their experience to for a better idea of what it implies. If you do not have any friends that have been or are home schooled you can find people online to talk too.

  3. If you are going to educate at home, do not bring the school to your home. On the contrary, give your child the freedom to learn what they need without the usual pressures and restrictions that exist in schools that can suppress the natural desire to learn. In a no pressure learning environment your child will enjoy learning and at their own pace.

  4. Avoid anxiety and stress because of the prospect of starting to educate at home. It is something new that will help to achieve balance in your family life and any family member can participate freely in an atmosphere of peace, harmony and respect.

  5. If in the process of educating your child you feel stressed or overwhelmed then take a break for a few days to recharge the batteries and then resume. It is quite common and normal to feel tired at times.

  6. It is a good idea to be a part of a support group with other families who home school so that you may share experiences and tips with other parents and your children can do the same with other home schooled kids. You can even arrange extracurricular activities with these other families such as educational trips.

  7. You can also enroll your child in various classes that complement your education, such as sports, music classes, dance, theater, art and so on. Talk with you children and see what interests them and find some classes based on what they like.

  8. Educating at home is a decision that requires a lot, but it is also a great blessing, so enjoy every moment with your children and get the most out of it.

Here is a great interview Luis Fernando Mises did with Dayna Martin on the negative effects regular schools can have on your kids:

I would love to hear what your experiences or concerns regarding homeschooling are! Please put them in the comments below.

Also on our website:


Homeschooling is really getting popular and when the people like Elon Musk endorses it then you really have to think about it.
Might be Artificial Intelligence would be helpful in designing the personalized curiculum for each child which would be a great help for homeschooling children.


Fresh insight.

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I decided to virtual Home school my son, his state tests have increased since he has been schooling at home. He is less stressed and distracted compared to when he attended the brick and mortar school. Virtual home schooling consists of daily class connects with live teachers, they usually last an hour each session. It may not be the best choice for every child and parent but it was the best choice for my son, in so many different ways.

certainly a wonderful thing

Yes it is and I am happy there is an option for our children.

We've homeschooled since 2005. Oldest, now 18, in college and doing really well. 16 year old also in college, a year behind her...he's doing extremely well.

We initially started our homeschool journey out of reaction to the local school. She was reading chapter books at 4 years old, and when it came time for school, we asked them to test her into first grade rather than going into kindergarten. They refused to even consider. And that was our start...

that is really refreshing to hear! taking the education by our own hands

School has become less about academic learning and more about social conditioning over the past few decades. Home schooling is a genuine option in the modern world, children can learn everything they need to via guided internet and real world teaching without the indoctrination of the education system which seeks not to teach but to force conformity and produce good little social robots that transition to the wage slave without question.

Now a days Home Schooling is very popular in all around the world and ration increase day by day.
Its the lovely topic to discuss.
Thanks for sharing

thank you for reading

At one point in time I was homeschooled as a child and I loved it. Once I was put back into public school I struggled completely it was awful and hated it. When college came along I slowly transitioned to completely online and honestly it was the best.
The thing is not everyone learns the same and the other pressures at school made it really hard to want to go. On top of I didn't really learn anything in High school.

i agree completely. its on an individual basis. yet i think compulsory school is definitely not a good idea

Wow loved your post...loved reading's amazing....thank you for sharing have a good day.

While I absolutely believe homeschooling is a valid and valuable option for educating kids in certain families (where one parent doesnt work) I really really really think there needs to be an assessment of the parent to determine if they are competent enough to conduct an entire curriculum.

I've met people who ranted and raved about the merits of homeschooling only to find out that they themselves were severely biased in their views of science (disputing indisputable facts), pathetic in their understanding of grammar, and completely reliant on computers to solve math problems (data entry was what they were teaching, not understanding of the concepts). These people had no right "teaching" their kids at home and probably hampered their future prospects in terms of higher education and jobs.

Now, I fully expect every anti-establishment anarchist to come after me with torches and pitch forks, but you cant deny that some people simply dont have the basic skills to be an educator.

I cannot disagree with your comment and observation. I do think, however, that the more we shame others and their views, the harder they hold on to them. I think a more sustainable approach is just to offer new ways.

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