State Lawmakers Push For Mandatory Home Inspections For Homeschoolers

Two new bills have recently been introduced, one in Illinois and one in Iowa, that are seeking to infringe on the rights of homeschoolers and treat them as guilty until proven innocent.

More specifically, they want to make changes which involve CPS investigating homeschooled children without cause.

Why? Because they want to be sure that children aren't being abused or neglected.

They want to violate the natural rights of parents...for safety.

Thankfully, the homeschooling community pushed back hard in Illinois and that bill has failed. But in Iowa, HF 272 could still be passed, and that bill is seeking to do the same. It would implement quarterly visits to the home of the homeschooled children and their families, with their consent, to check on the health and safety of the children.

If consent is refused, that doesn't mean that there aren't other means available to them, there are still other ways for them to come in and inspect.

In Georgia, they've also considered changes to homeschooling rules as well recently, after a case surfaced that involved two homeschooled kids who were found buried near their home.

Critics say that parents who don't notify authorities of their plans to homeschool are posing a danger for their children. But there are tens of thousands of children being homeschooled in Georgia alone and there haven't been enough cases to support the notion that homeschooled parents are opting for that education method because they want to neglect their child. Even when there are circumstances of neglect and abuse, that doesn't in-turn mean that thousands of other families should have their rights abused because of it.

Homeschooling parents aren't opting to homeschool because they don't care about their child or because they want to put them in danger. In fact, you'll find the the complete opposite is true, many homeschooling parents are passionate about their choice because of how much they love and care for their kids and want to be a part of that education process. You will find that these parents still go to the same grocery stores as other parents, community centers, gas stations, they haven't exercised themselves from the community and it isn't just to assume that they are guilty of some wrongdoing simply because they advocate for educational freedom for their family.


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Better not bring that crap to the PA legislative floor!

I am certainly choosing to homeschool.

I homeschooled both my kids for two reasons. First they have nut allergies. Two there are just so many cases of abuse and bullying that it was a no brainer.

@doitvoluntarily hello dear friend. Thank you very much for spreading this news.
It is incredible that they do not want to do well, because in the end the interaction is good, make sure that children enjoy good health is not bad. but it is not the way to do them.
I wish you a great day dear friend

I guess one could say that if parents are passionate about their choices because of how much they love and care for their kids those type of people it would seem to me wouldn't mind passing a little love and care around to ensure all children are safe. Look at the family recently that had thirteen kids locked up for years, or the case several years ago of the women in Detroit who killed two of her kids and put their bodies in a freezer, she told the school she was going to home school them. I do think there could be better ways then getting CPS involved, they are already over burdened due to the opioid crisis. Maybe states could do like they do with daycare centers where they send people there to make sure everything is on the up and up. In any situation where a parent is choosing to home school their kids for legit reasons those types of parents wouldn't object to oversight, it's the one's doing it to hid the kids from public view that are concerning. There are more cases then just those buried kids, the thirteen kids, and the kids in the freezer, just google it, somewhere there are children screaming out inside waiting to be rescued.

dissolving property rights and individual liberty doesn't help to keep children safe and def isn't any act of love ✌ there isn't justification enough for them to launch such an initiative, why not against public school children for the same reason? there are many more cases of abuse and neglect there...

No one was talking about dissolving property rights. The difference is is that public school children are seen outside the home functioning during the week, public school parents have certain hoops they have to jump to enroll their kids, home schoolers would just have a different set of hoops. It doesn't necessarily have to be with CPS, it could be parents required to bring them along when they pick up their school supplies, a annual physical from a doctor, other relatives or friends who have seen the kids verify they are okay. I am sure most home schoolers are good people but in a system that allows children to go unseen for months, years even I am a bit skeptical of.

that is exactly what they are talking about so i guess you don't fully understand the situation just yet.

When you advocate for inspections in peoples homes, in such a way that the state can violate the natural rights of the home owner and come in regardless if given consent, that erodes their property rights. Homeschooling parents should not be looked at as suspicious simply because they want to educate at home. This is not about safety of children, just about more control for the state👍 CPS is already overburdened because they harass too many innocent parents and kidnap their children from them unjustly. Countless situations where families have been torn apart for no good reason, CPS officers have LIED in many occasions to take children, and have been sued multiple times because of their actions. I myself was a victim of their tyranny so I get thoroughly amused when others want to tell me about all the good the organization does. 😆you cannot tell parents that only ones doing something right wouldn't object to oversight,..sounds a lot like the regurgitated statist propaganda of "nothing to fear if nothing to hide"'s an insult to reason. Something those who favor infringing unjust violence against others might senselessly repeat. There are many reasons why a family might not want the gov snooping around their private residence without cause and like I said if they want to inspect homeschoolers, then they should also inspect the homes of all children, public and other, for the same reasons. Don't be skeptical of freedom, be skeptical of advocating for unreasonable violence. 👍

Yes. It is the further usurping of the individual's right that has been going on now for 200 years in the US.

I know I would have never liked the state coming to my house uninvited, and I don't necessarily agree CPS should be the ones handling the home school debacle of making sure parents are really homeschooling or hiding child abuse. In the last year for which stats are available over one thousand children lost their lives in the US at the hands of their parents, eighty five did while in foster care. I am never going to grapple with whose more a threat to children or call a childs death a natural selection. We just had a case here exactly like that, a baby died from malnutrition and the father called it gods that's out right neglect. He's now facing life in prison. There has to be a better way to deal with these situations, I can't argue that home schoolers shouldn't face some sort rule requirement to provide proof of life, safety, they place requirements on public school parents...why should one group not be required to meet certain demands even if those are demands are different then the other. Yes it's very sad that a minority of people make things difficult for the majority, they actually wreck quite a lot of good things for people, what's at stake here though in loss is a precious life of a child/children, if you've ever been abused as a child like I was you would know what it feels like wishing someone would finally come to your rescue.

There will always be that kind of behavior in the world. Natural Selection.

I choose to love my Son, and yet I will want to homeschool too?

Erode the rights of all for the select few cases?

Like I just said to someone else public school parents have hoops to go through to enroll their kids, home schoolers could have a different set of hoops...doesn't have to be involvement with CPS. Could be as simple as an annual physical from a doctor, a note from family or friends who know the children are well, a family minister, or take the children along to pick up the required schools supplies and test. No system should be in place that could allow parents to hide kids away.

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