in #holyspirit6 years ago


The five foolish virgins thought it was by might and power. By the time they realized it was the Spirit that makes the difference, it had become too late, for the hour of grace had gone!

The oil in our lamps is the Holy Spirit. We are the empty lamps. It is the fire of the Holy Spirit that burns in us and makes us see and not be in darkness. Those who are steadfast and sincerely yielded to the Lord have their lights on and the oil of the Holy Spirit is steadily placed inside them by the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For in Him was life, and the life was the LIGHT OF MEN. And the LIGHT shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not ….. That was the TRUE LIGHT which lighteth EVERY MAN…....... (John 1:4-9).

Do you have enough OIL? Is the HOLY GHOST filling you up? Without the oil, the LIGHT will go off and darkness will overcome the one!

You are the Temple (the lamp) of the Holy Ghost. If the Holy Ghost lives in you (as oil in the lamp), He will then illuminate your heart and cause your inner eyes to see (by revelations, inward witnessing, audible voice etc.)

You are then led by the Spirit of God and that is only when you can rightly be waiting for the Lord’s return, for those who do not have Him inside of them (lamps without oil) are none of His! They are the FOOLISH VIRGINS! Wise virgins must be spirit-filled for it’s the Spirit that makes the difference.

This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubabel, saying,

Not by might, nor by power, but by my SPIRIT, saith the Lord of hosts (Zachariah 4:6)

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT. (Romans 8:1)

On the day of rewards those who had by might and power been involved in various activities (night-vigils, choir, usher, pastor, ‘man of God’ and so on ) but lacked the Spirit of God in them, would be CONDEMNED! But there would be no condemnation for those who walk after the SPIRIT OF GOD! Praise God!

But why?

Because ….......if any man have not the SPIRIT OF CHRIST he is NONE OF HIS!.........For as many as ARE LED by the SPIRIT OF GOD – are the children of God! (Romans 8:9-14)

So let us get filled up EVERYDAY by the Spirit of God. On the day of the Rapture, NOTHING ELSE will count but the SPIRIT OF GOD! He alone makes the difference between the wise and the foolish virgins at watch!

How are we to be filled up? By making out time and asking God to come and fill us up. He hears! He will come and the joy which usually follows His entrance will become our strength too – until the very end. The enabling of the spirit of God (oil in our lamps) helps our light so shine, and so placing us in right standing with GOD

Romans 8:9
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Pictures credited to Google search.


I don't know about the audible voice. I get my Word from the Scriptures. Great post though!

Great and inspiring post

Without the Holy Spirit the Christian journey becomes toiling and working to tiredness, only having the Oil in the lamp is the way out to walking with Christ.

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according to the bible " the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life. i believe the letter here is the flash and now and days people are flesh filled instead of spirit filled .

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