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RE: White People Attacked At Black Panther Movie? @Hodgetwins

in #hodgetwins7 years ago

Well, most of the black people who went to see that trash were disappointed that that all the Whites weren't killed in the plot of the movie. Honestly, it serves Whites right for going to see that absolute nonsense. They have to learn at some point. It might as well be now.


"most of the black people who went to see that trash were disappointed that that all the Whites weren't killed in the plot of the movie"

Could you prove that? Are you sure that it was "most" of the black people? Generalization like this is wrong, if you can't prove it and I know you can't, because for sure there is no data on how many black people think this or think that after a movie.

Actually, a guy who does a pod cast did some polling at theaters, and those were the results he got , so there is a basis for my assertion.

Polling at theaters done by one or two guys is not a reliable data. Keep in mind that someone who did podcast may cherry pick the results, and what is more important, asking dozen or several dozen people in few theaters what they think doesn't mean that "most black people" think the same. Maybe I am wrong and it was big, reliable poll, but it's hard to believe that some podcaster did reliable poll, with unbiased questions and proper group of responders.

Usually polling done by people who record things for youtube/podcast etc could not be considered as reliable data, only something humorous.

If this is a basis for assertion that "most black people do/think X" then I believe that you could find a basis for any assertion like "most X people do/think Y". I think it's bad to generalize things like that based on some podcaster polling.

Whatever. If you live in poland, you have no idea what you are talking about in the first place.

You just caused yourself a problem here.

Alright all you guys take this shit to Facebook. No place for this on steem. If you disagree with sombody fine. But flagging people for a disagreement is nonsense. Flagging people for attacking with vulgar stuff is a maybe. But going to people pages to flag there post that has nothing to do with this convo is not what steem is about . So please stop this and have a decent convo. If you can’t just step away and breath and look at cute cat pics. @catfacts where you at?

A tomcat (male cat) can begin mating when he is between 7 and 10 months old.

There are approximately 100 breeds of cat.

You are a worthless piece of shit. You are ignorant and do not know how to spell. Someone like you could never win an argument. You are too stupid and/or uneducated. Educate yourself, loser.

Ha, I'll bet you've kissed your mother with that dirty cock sucker of yours. BTW, How many times did you you take it in the ass when you went to prison? I'll bet you wouldn't talk your dumb shit to me in person. Even though I'm a lady, I'd still smack the shit out of your pathetic drug addicted ass.

Ignorance in full display. You are not a woman. You are a bitch, and that works for both genders. You are obviously a man.
You make threats you know you will not deliver like every stupid coward.

No reason to offend people, even if you believe they are wrong. This way you will not convince anyone and this discussion will not result in anything healthy.

That person is beyond a cure. People like that need to be put in their place. Bullies cannot win if no one does anything. Although I do believe that he is an idiot, pretending to be a woman to get his rocks off, and a simple online troll, so I will discontinue our conversation because I've said my piece.

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