
I know that you shared the common king until 1905 but technically there was a separate Kingdom of Norway in the union with Kingdom of Sweden. Then you have dissolved the union with Sweden and swapped Swede for a Dane as a king - Very practical I would say :-)

Yes.. i try to tell this to Norwegians too. ;)

But the power of news paper propaganda is very strong,
so most of them believe i am crazy when i try to tell them about the Danish house of kings that are ruling us to day.

But internet is great, so more and more people start to see the real truth of things.
For the same reason, the history about Khazaria start to be very difficult for the western countries to hide.. ;)

Better to have a king than a president - in the longer run its cheaper as you do not have to pay for elections every 4 years or so :-) Know almost nothing about them Khazars - after all they did not issue any collectible bonds or shares so sort of beyond the scope of my radar.

To protect his power and make him self immune from being criticised,
the Norwegian news paper have told and brainwashed the people of Norway to believe that the king have no political power.

So we have a election every 4 years anyway where the people can vote on his puppets.(The right or the left hand of the king).. ;)

And every single Friday, this puppets the people have voted on, goes to the kings castle and swear loyalty to their king.

Its like living with cavemen.. lol
Even the most simple things are almost impossible to make them understand, as long as one does not control the news paper, that they see as the encyclopedia with the answer for everything.

And they never ever think twice about anything, as long as it have been written in their Reuters encyclopedia.. lol

Hmm, but in case of so called "republican democracy" you have two elections: presidential and parliamentary so double the cost :)

This is one of the reasons i am so glad that i have a hobby that i can think about too.. ;)

I love people, life, nature and science,
and thanks to those things, i can escape now and then from the game our rulers play. :)

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