[Eng/中文/日本語] Results will come soon. Inviting you to do a final post /結果快公佈. 其間請您就文化挑戰做最後一篇文章/HKJPSGの文化交流チャレンジの「振り返り」投稿をお願いします

in #hkjpsg6 years ago (edited)

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Hello there, It's @prch on behalf of @orientalhub saying hello to all of you lovely people on sunny and blazing hot Sunday.

@orientalhub に代わって@prch です。皆さんが素敵な休日をお過ごしのこととお祈りしています。

The judges are working at full pace now and results will come soon


Meanwhile, may I propose that you may write a final post on the HKJPSG cultural challenge, through which to express your feelings and thoughts or even a self reflection about the cultural challenge. Please also use the same tag #hkjpsg.

其間, 我可否提議你可以就文化挑戰寫一篇最後的文章,藉此表達你的感受和想法,甚至是對文化挑戰的一種自我反思。也請使用相同的標籤 #hkjpsg
HKJPSGの文化交流チャレンジに参加してあなたが感じたことや思ったことを「振り返りポスト」として書いて戴いてもよろしいですか?コンテストと同じく、タグ #hkjpsg を使用してください。

HK: @aaronli @nanosesame @jojoga @nahaha @kona @hktraveler @victorier @tinytaruen @livinguktaiwan @biuiam @sweetdisaster @tydebbie @honoru

JPN: @eggpon @sakura-sakura @nonono @sallyfun @cafelate @hiradate @nota69 @yadamaniart @crypto.hack @ytrphoto @yo-yo @masami69 @aitommylr @kinakomochi @hidemi @aoni @sumi @sho-t @nadeshiko @afukichi @kyosuke @amblog @argon

SG: @seandeanayao @janicechua @seanytan @taco.cat @ryanng @iammegankylie @jessie901220 @rockysmarties

@travelgirl @moromaro @jrvacation

This final post may give all contestants one more opportunity to soicalise before we officially bring down the curtain and bid farewell to the challenge.


Free style, say what you want to say, no word count requirements at all!


This is what I did /你可以像我一樣寫一篇文章/。
[ENG/中文/日本語] My brief self-reflection on the HK-JP-SG challenge /短的個人HK-JP-SG比賽後回顧/HK-JP-SGチャレンジでの私の自己振り返り
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or like/或類似/シンガポールの @culgin より類似の振り返りポストはこちら
[ENG/中文/日本語] My thoughts on the first HKJPSG cross cultural challenge/我对第一届HKJPSG跨文化挑战的看法/最初のHKJPSGの異文化チャレンジに対する私の考え
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I'm dedicating a song on Youtube to all of you lovely people (Hijacking someone else's posts are what I'm really brilliant at, am doing my @kona #musicchallenge here, sorry @orientalhub, don't expel me).


The song is 'My Friend', by Groove Armada. ou All of you are my FRIENDS.

これは Groove Armadaの「My friend」という曲です。この曲の歌詞のとおり、皆さんはもう私の友達です!



Put your head on my shoulder
No need to worry ?bout a thing
I'll be the cure for your loneliness
I'll make you feel like you're whole again
And you can always count on me wherever I may go
When this world's got you feelin' blue
Call my name and I'll run to you
My friend
On my wings we both can fly
Cause there's no burden big enough
And when you're hurtin' baby so am I
And we'll both cry
There's nothing stronger than our love
And you can always count on me
wherever I may be
Oh I'm gonna find the way
To a better day
My friend
So let me be the one to save ya
Cause it's the least that I can do
And you don't have to return the favor
Cause I promise you
Oh we're gonna make it through
My friend
Oh we're gonna make it through
My friend
Put your head on my shoulder
You don't have to worry bout a thing
If you need me I'll be there in a hurry
Call on me, time and time again
Cause you're my friend

Thanks for being there for me, everyone, the whole journey has been so fantastic! Cheers.



Your post is very good!


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