Hivemind, Communities & SMTs: The STEEM Trifecta That Will Change The Internet

in #hivemind6 years ago (edited)

Part of doing in-depth research is it is easy to acquire a lot of knowledge about something yet not know how all the pieces connect. Sometimes it takes just a little clarification to present that "Aha" moment.

This came to me the other night in reading an interview with Andrew Levine.


Hivemind, Communities, and SMTs form the trifecta that is going to allow the tokenziation of the internet. These three, together, are going to radically change the entire landscape.

Bold claim I know. By the end of this post, I think you will agree with me.

Hivemind is something that many of us heard about yet most are not familiar with it. It is what will allow Communities to be on STEEM. Basically, this is a consensus layer on top of the STEEM blockchain. It enables Communities to be a part of all applications, not just Steemit.

Here is where will see the Smart Contract features added to the STEEM blockchain. It is also very helpful for developers who get to choose how decentralized they want their application to be. All data that is submitted to Hive ends up on the blockchain. However, features such as naming moderators, as an example, will be on Hive yet does not need to be synced with the blockchain.

It is crucial to keep in mind that all information on the STEEM blockchain is the same regardless of the application. Hence, what Steemit reads is exactly the same as D.Tube. No matter which application is being used, the data is always the same.

Why is this important? Because it allows Communities to be a feature of STEEM, not just Steemit. The Communites feature is can be used by every application.

For example, let us say that there is a community that forms on Steemit around travel. There are moderators assigned. All interaction takes place among the group members with rewards being spread among the active participants. What is innovative is that if there is a shift to utilizing D.Tube, the community is still intact. There is no need to have the membership enroll again.

This is a revolutionary idea.

The present Internet does not operate this way. Facebook and YouTube depend upon their ecosystems for their business model. Controlling that is where their profits come from. There is no sharing between the different applications. Separate log in is required for each. The largest group on Facebook, when going onto YouTube, must start from scratch. This is something that holds true across all social media.

Hivemind will change that.

The final piece of the puzzle is the Smart Media Token. As most of us know, this is the creation of individual tokens by the applications. They will be paired with STEEM on the DEX providing liquidity to any individuals token. With the addition of Communities, however, a SMT can be created by any community. This is another way to provide incentive to the community members.

Essentially, what is this does it is makes the community an ecosystem on its own. Using our travel group, let us presume they create the Travel token. This is part of the reward system for that community. It holds true whether they are on D.Tube, Steemit, or any other applications. Other tokens might be earned using those applications but the community token will also be paid.

This is where you can see a post earning 3 different about a compounding system.


With the community as the focus, people are now choosing to interact with each other based upon common interest. At the same time, people within that community are free to use whatever application they choose to access the STEEM blockchain. Since the community spans all applications, one can interact with the original poster regardless of the application used. Try to do that on YouTube and Facebook.

This also might be why we see all posts made by the different applications all feed into the "Blog" section on our profiles. This is conjecture on my part, but if Steemit is set up in a Reddit fashion, with a community formed for travel, then all posts from the different applications will feed into that. Hence, if I log in through Steemit, I will see posts from D.Tube, Zappl, Dlive, and whatever else people put up there. I also can comment and upvote without having to log into the application.

The interesting part is that the community could be set up in any application. Since communities crosses all applications, the followers of that community can access it from anywhere. Basically, the applications become tools for the community members to use. At the same time, non-community members can upvote the content providing inflow of STEEM and, perhaps, another currency into the community.

Another aspect is the existing sites that are out there. We know many talked about blockchain or implementing cryptocurrencies into their ecosystem yet, for the most part, none have made the move. The biggest entity that I can think of is Kik when it comes to creating their own. I believe YouTube is also doing something with the BAT token. Nevertheless, the traditional social media sites have done little in this realm.

While I would not expect the major outfits to alter their business model since it is so profitable, some of the secondary sites might look hard at what is taking place here. They could easily tie their application into the STEEM blockchain, create a token using the smart contract, and start using the system within minutes.

The important feature is the sign up process. This is something we were told will be fixed come Hard Fork 20. Having this automated means that a site with a few million followers could easily on-board them to the STEEM blockchain.

Now I can see why it is taking so long from the development team. They are not just working on the SMT but a number of different projects simultaneously. These are also pieces that interact with each other and are, essentially, dependent upon each other. Hivemind needs to be completed before you can have either Communities or SMTs. At the same time, all of it will be worthless unless the signup process is automated.

Nevertheless, there are big things that are going to happen on the STEEM blockchain. "Tokenizing the Internet" now makes a lot more sense. So does the idea of 100K entrepreneurs on the STEEM blockchain within 5 years.

Hivemind, Communities, and SMTs are the STEEM trifecta that could really change the Internet as we know it.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.


A well considered and motivating post Taskmaster. The future looks bright for all Steemians and their communities alike. Us mice will drink to that.


wow nice party animation bro my best wishes for your post is rank no 1 in steemit ....

It is true that these technologies are out of the conventional and the most characteristic is their decentralization and their pluralism for the distribution of resources. Excellent

You should seriously checkout They haven't done anything yet. the project was announced 3 days ago. It could potentially do great things.

I think that what will change steemit for the better and make huge increase on price will be SMTs for sure :)

I thought Hivemind wasn't part of the consensus layer but an interface built on top of it to make accessing information on the blockchain simpler and more efficient for applications. Hivemind wouldn't always need to be precisely synced with the blockchain. The financial transactions and all critical consensus functions take place on Steem nodes.

You're my STEEM Preacher. On fire again. And I have this "Aha" moment.
I know about all these things but I was wondering when one of them will come into place. But from your post, I understand that they are working on those implementations at​ the same time. This is really huge and not an easy task.

I am looking forward to those projects like a little child.

Thank you for the kind words @modernpastor. I do what I can to try and spread the gospel of STEEM.

That is my guess....they are so interwoven that throwing one out without the other doesnt make much sense. They might be a couple weeks apart for testing purposes but my guess is they have to be ready to go when one is launched.

You just gave me the idea to integrate the hivemind feature into 1UP. All these communities would be automatically integrated into our system and create the 1UP communities. This would be ideal and integrate that feature on blockchain level. I might even consider doing that exclusively and take the whole community creation on 1UP out of the equation again if this is easy to create via Steemit.

@taskmaster4450 I have already sold Silver for STEEM many times here. As of yet most people are not aware of Gold and Silver as Money that is interchangeable with STEEM Tokens..........Once People really grasp the concept I will be packaging stuff to mail out everyday. eBay can become obsolete................

I was thinking yesterday what would be a good application which could be a SMT or hivemind thingy. Not that I know exactly how it works but this it what came to mind!
I just started at looking at my app on ny phone and 2 things stood out!
First was a wine app that I am using, it is called vivino. Here you can take a picture of the label of a wine bottle and it shows you all the detailed information and the general rating of the vivino users. Also an average price is show an places to buy it! I do think that this could be a great use case for an SMT!
Secondly, as a golfer, there is a website called leadingcourses, where you can find detailed info about almost all golf courses in the world, plus reviews. Again an excellent example how a page could profit! Add to this a feature where tee times could be reserved and you do have a winner!
Both projects don’t have to build an the Steem blockchain but could.
So yes, still lot of things could be tokenized! So we are not even at the beginning of this age, but we have only made the start!

Lol, leadingcourses is a project of a friend of mine. I’ll tell him about SMT’s ;-)

For sure do! Really could change his business model!

This is awesome. I hadn't realized how interdependent these three are.

I haven't done the math, but it seems like just one site with a multi-million person user base that hooks into Steem could increase the value significantly overnight. They buy enough Steem to get all of their current users Steem accounts in one go, and suddenly the number of Steem users has doubled or tripled. Then they send a notification to their users saying "We just gave you X amount of Steem, and oh, by the way, you can now log into Steemit, Dlive, Partiko, and all these other sites."

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