Bahasa Indonesia Lesson 4: Indonesian Greeting & Introduction

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago (edited)


Greeting in Indonesia mean “salam”, “sapaan”, or “sambutan”. The greeting is used when the first time talks to a stranger, talk to family or friend, job interview, business meeting, contest. Usually Indonesian say “hai” when the first time looks at the person who s/he talks with, say “halo” when starting a conversation on a phone call.

Indonesia Maju.png

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Opening Sentence

Good morningSelamat pagi
Good daySelamat siang
Good afternoonSelamat sore
Good eveningSelamat malam

Introduction Question

How are you?Apa kabar?
What is your name?Siapa nama anda?
How old are you?Berapa umur anda?
What are your nationality?Apa kewarganegaraan anda?
Where do you live?Dimana anda tinggal?
What is your job?Apa pekerjaan anda?
Do you have hobby?Apakah anda memiliki hobi?

Tell an Identity

Identity can include name, born, address, school, work, and/or hobbies.


My name isNama saya adalah
My fullname isNama lengkap saya adalah
Rizki is my middle nameRizki adalah nama tengah saya


I was born in leap year, my birthday is every 4 yearsSaya lahir di tahun kabisat, ulang tahun saya 4 tahun sekali
I’m in my mid 30Saya di pertengahan 30
I’m older than your brotherSaya lebih tua dari saudara anda

Origin & Address

I’m IndonesianSaya Indonesia
I was born at JakartaSaya lahir di Jakarta
I’m come fromSaya berasal dari
I live inSaya tinggal di
My address isAlamat saya adalah


I study at 3 Bandung High SchoolSaya belajar di SMA 3 Bandung
I’m college student at Parahyangan UniversitySaya mahasiswa di Universitas Parahyangan
I have graduated from Faculty of Language at 2019Saya telah lulus dari Fakultas Bahasa pada tahun 2019


I’m fresh graduate still looking for a jobSaya lulusan baru yang masih mencari pekerjaan
I’m blogger and content writerSaya seorang blogger dan penulis konten
I work at IT company and have side hustleSaya bekerja di perusahaan IT dan memiliki pekerjaan sampingan


I read e-book everydaySaya membaca buku elektronik setiap hari
I like sportSaya suka olahraga
My favorite sport is fitnessOlahraga favorit saya adalah kebugaran

Closing Sentence

Nice to know youSenang mengenal anda
Thank youTerimakasih
Thank you for coming to this eventTerimakasih sudah datang ke acara ini
Good byeSelamat tinggal
See you againSampai jumpa lagi

I have explained Indonesian Greeting and Self Introduction. Thank you for your time.

Best Regards


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