Graphic Design Class Assignment - 1st Lesson : Visual Communication Design By @madilyn02

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago (edited)

Hello to my dear friends, this is my assignment post for the first class on graphic design. I will be answering the questions given by the teacher, @atim1234.



Question 1

Briefly explain in your own words, about Visual Communication Design

visual communication

Visual communication is an art or practice of communicating information or ideas using visual elements such as the collection of letters, pie charts, videos, Gifs, slide desk presentation, infographics, screenshots, etc.
Visual communication is a very effective way way of getting points across our audience.
It helps to convey messages more faster and more effectively as people now prefer videos and images tether than read word-for-word.
Visual communication ensures a clear and unified message. Using visual communication can help brighten the mood of audience and at the same time convey clear messages.


Question 2

Explain the Difference between Graphic Design and Visual Communication Design.

Difference between graphic design and visual communication

There are a lot is similarities between graphic design and visual communication and because of this, both can be mistaken for the other. However, graphic design is a whole lot different from visual communication.

Visual communicationGraphic design
Visual communication focuses on the use of visual mediums: medias, videos etc.Students who study visual communication needs to learn animation, photography,graphic design, illustrationGraphic design has a more limited focus it only involves the creation of graphics for advertising, websites, campaigns and marketing materials.
It involves anything within the area of communicating through visual means. It could be photograph, video, film editing etc.It involves the design of elements for printout and digital platforms
The main duty of visual communication is to convey messages or informationgraphic design may not always convey a message. All images we see are graphic designs but not all conveys a message


Question 3

Mention the Scope of Visual Communication Design.

Scope of visual communication design

The various areas in visual communication include following:

Film industryprint and productionpackaging design
Brand industryBrand identitymany more

Question 4

Fields in graphic design

Different fields in graphic design include:

  • Advertising
  • Publishing
  • Industrial design
  • Public relations
  • Letterings and types
  • Infographics designs
  • More


Question 5

What fields of work require Graphic Design
Choose one of the images below, Identify the banner by
What Elements and Elements are used,
Communication You Want To Convey
Type of Design (Promotional, Informational, or other types)
the Focal Point of the Image,
Strikethrough based on the visual hierarchy used

I choose the image below for question 5. I am going to explain it a cording to the teacher's assignment questions

Elements used

Typography was used to relay the message on this image. The arrangements of of typography makes it easy or everyone to read and get the gist of the letters. They are arranged I order of importance as well.

The image of an elderly woman help to identify the overall message that is to be conveyed. Without first reading the text we will already have idea of what the image is about just by seeing the illustration. Also each illustration by the left hand side represents a particular tip or message that needs to be applied.

Abstract shapes
Abstract shapes was also added in this image. I think this shape added more uniqueness and it is also easily identified. The shadow like shape close to the old lady is known as an abstract shape.

Geometric shapes
Geometric shapes are seen at the left corner of the image. The circle containing illustrations is a geometric shape. There are also rectangular shapes in the design.

The color used for the shapes containing illustrations further made it significant. The color used is attractive to viewers and captivates attention.

Communication being conveyed

The communication being conveyed in this image is how elderly people can be assisted or helped when they are in an underlying condition due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It further communicates tips on how these elderly ones can be cared for.

Type of design

This image is informational as it provides tips and lecture on how to do a certain thing.

The focal point

He focal point in the image is the need for proper care of elderly ones under the COVID-19 pandemic.

Strikethrough based on hierarchy used

In the the image, texts and images are well aligned. The main topic is in both and last size so as to get noticed easily.
The elements in the design are laid out in a logical manner.
The header is at the top and it is the largest font, all subsequent elements are size according to the order of importance.
The illustration of the elderly women is made large to convey a strong message, which is about caring for the elderly. The illustration cannot go unnoticed, in fact it is the first thing most eyes will see.
Also the objects and shapes are kept in such a way that allows us to create a balance in the design and also focus on the dominant elements, that is, the larger elements the higher the size the bigger the impact.




Visual communication has been a powerful tool used to convey message in the world's history.
We see them all around us, movies, medias, images, infographics, to name a few.
It helps to reach greater or theirs who has different needs and also helps to make information and storytelling more simpler.
Visual communication is also an effective stool when it comes to explaining our thoughts better.



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