Show Your Poetry Skill Contest | Week Four (4) Contest | Mi poema by @hidraslick

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago (edited)
Buenas tardes comunidad de Skillshare. Soy @hidraslick, un placer conocerlos. Gracias a @abu78 por este maravilloso concurso de poesía. Me encantaría invitar a todos a este concurso, en especial a @elsurtidor y a quien me invito a participar @Avibauza.

Si te gustaría conocer las reglas o participar haz click aquí.

Bueno sin más que añadir, este es mi poema titulado "El Amigo":

Un amigo es aquél, con quien hablas a diario;
Que te acepta por quien eres, con virtudes y defectos, y te trata sin complejos;
Alguien a quien consideras uno más de tu familia, que te quiere sin medida;
Aquel que te hace compañía, en todos aquellos días, en los buenos y los malos.

Quien realmente te apoya, y por tu bien se interesa;
Aquel que celebra tus victorias, y te apoya en la tristeza;
Con quien siempre cuentas, a pesar de todo, contra viento y marea;
Es aquel que te habla con total respeto y completa franqueza.

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Aquel a quien le cuentas todo;
Con quien compartes tu pensar y tu sentir;
Es ese al que le cuentas secretos y problemas;
La persona con quien te encompinchas y peleas.

De quién jamás te ocultas, a quien nunca reniegas;
Jamás has de rechazarlo, ni de negarle tu afecto;
Ya que puedes perderlo, puede irse y dejarte, pero a pesar de todo ello;
Si es en verdad un amigo, es una persona que siempre va a esperarte.



Espero que disfrutaran el poema tanto como yo disfruté escribiéndolo.

Si quieres saber más de mí: Logro 1 - Presentación.

Muchas gracias por su visita. Suerte a los demás concursantes.

---In English---

Good evening Skillshare community. I’m @hidralisk, a pleassure to meet you. Thanks to @abu78 for this wonderfull poetry contest. I would like to invite everybody to this contest, especially @elsurtidor and the person that invited me to participate @Avibauza.

If you would like to know the rules or participate click here.

Well with no more further ado, this is my poem titled “The Friend”:

A friend is the one, with whom you talk daily;
Who accepts you for who you are, with virtues and defects, and treats you without complexes;
Someone who you consider one more of your family, who loves you without measure;
The one who keeps you company, in all those days, through good times and bad.

Who really supports you, and for your sake is interested;
The one who celebrates your victories, and supports you in sadness;
With whom you always count, despite everything, through thick and thin;
He is the one who speaks to you with total respect and complete frankness.

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The one to whom you tell everything;
With whom you share your thoughts and feelings;
It is the one to whom you tell secrets and problems;
The person with whom you hook up and fight.

From whom you never hide, whom you never deny;
You must never reject him, nor deny him your affection;
Since you can lose it, it can go away and leave you, but despite all this;
If he is truly a friend, he is a person who will always wait for you.



I hope you enjoyed the poem as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you want to know more about me: Achievement 1 - Presentation.

Thank you for your visit. Good luck to the other contestants.


I'm learning Spanish but how about a translation.

That is a great idea, and is possible, but know that it could lose its rhymes. I'll do it later today so other users can read it as well.

Edit: Done. Hope you can enjoy it better this way. Surprisingly enough I have to say, that the tone and some rhymes work even after translating it (not always happens, sadly).

Thanks for sharing this nice poem

Thank you as well, both for reading it and for giving us the opportunity to share our poems with this awesome contest.

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