Alternative Applications Apart from Excel | SteemSkillshare [10% Payout to @steem.skillshare]

in Steem Skillshare3 years ago (edited)

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If you've talked about number processing applications, then our attention will definitely be drawn to Microsoft Excel. Even though there are so many kinds of this kind of application.

There are special number processing applications that can be operated using a PC and Android, some can be accessed using a browser or web base. Just choose what you think is most practical to do.

The presence of a number processing application is very helpful for processing data according to the needs and needs. Later you can choose which application you feel is suitable to be used to support daily activities.

To make it easier for you to choose the best and easy-to-use number processing application, we have compiled a list of recommendations below.

Understanding Number Processing Applications

A number processing application is a program that functions to process data in the form of numbers and all kinds of things related to numbers.

The capabilities of this application include creating data tables, processing data with formulas, graphs, databases and so on. Applications like this are needed by various companies to assist them in preparing financial statements.

So, with the number processing program, all matters related to finance will be reported practically and easily.

When talking about a number processing program or application, of course the most memorable is Microsoft Excel.

Even though there are so many types of special number processing applications and not just Microsoft Excel. Various number processing applications include:


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1. Number Processing Program on PC

For those of you who are active in managing and processing data in the form of numbers on a PC, then you should choose one of the following list of number processing programs on a PC.

By using the following application options, it will certainly make you more comfortable in processing numerical data.

  • Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel became the champion for special number processing applications. This application, which has been introduced since 1987, continues to be popular even today. It's so good, it's only natural that many people use Microsoft Excel, including for company accounting calculations.

  • Spread

Kspread is a special number processing application that is part of Koffice with an open source and multiplatform nature. That is, you can change the program code so that you can add features in certain software programs.

  • OpenOffice Calc

Not much different from Kspread, OpenOffice Calc is a special number processing application that is also open source and multiplatform. You can easily modify the spreadsheet as you wish. In addition, this application also offers a very simple interface.

  • Wingz

Wingz can be an application of choice to process data in the form of numbers which is freeware. Unfortunately Wingz is restricted to non-commercial use and cannot be resold. This multiplatform application is highly recommended for those of you who have a high budget.

  • Abacus

Abacus is a special application for processing numbers with a very small size. Even the size is only 2 MB only. Perfect for those of you who want to have a number processing software that saves storage space.

2. Number Processing Program on Android

Processing data in the form of numbers on Android is certainly very effective and can save time. In addition, processing numbers on Android is also very easy to do.

You can freely input and manipulate data whenever and wherever needed.

  • WPS Office

If there is a highly recommended Microsoft Excel for PC, then there is WPS Office which is highly recommended for Android devices. This application has a myriad of features that can support your spreadsheet needs. Even WPS Office can already be integrated into cloud storage media.

  • Google Sheets
    This Google output application is able to help you easily input, edit and manipulate numerical data only via Android. Its use is very simple and can be integrated directly with your Google account.

  • Polaris Office
    Finally, there is Polaris Office. This application can be a solution for those of you who want to process numbers on Android practically. Polaris Office is capable of handling up to 300 formulas by displaying 20 charts at once.

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Number Processing Application Functions

There are so many kinds of number processing applications. In addition to inputting and editing data in the form of numbers, this application also has many functions.

The functions of special number processing applications include:

  • To create a specific data table.
  • Perform data processing by involving the use of formulas, graphics, certain databases and so on.
  • To assist the accounting process in the business world. This includes financial reports to payroll for company employees.
  • To assist work in certain scientific fields.
  • Facilitate work in the field of planning.
  • Simplify the work that is in the field of making statistics.
  • To perform the creation of a specific worksheet.
  • Manage numbers for the calculation of data based on numbers and graphs.

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Writer. @antaricsa

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