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RE: Will the character of the person be revealed in the writing?

I am glad I am able to provide interesting thoughts for you. I must mention I am not a Christian of any denomination. I am a great fan of Jesus and his teachings, but I am certain there is no God made of flesh, never has been, and never will be. I think what Jesus taught is meaningful because he was a man, and if he was God it would be meaningless. He reveals that an ordinary man is able to live to bless our friends and neighbors, that no one needs to do evil to another, even if being good causes evil people to torture them to death.

I hope what Jesus taught by the example of his life is expressed in the lives of all people in society, so that we might enjoy the good company of our fellows without the terrible sacrifices good people have suffered at the hands of evil. If all people live this way, our joy will be complete without end. I expect we will live this way when technology fully develops our ability to provide for all our needs without dependence on power over others.

I try to live as if that has already happened.


I'm not good at English so I don't want you to read and misunderstand.
Looking at the conversation between you and the Chinese, I thought about the concepts and differences of faith and reason.

The Chinese said Western populists, such as Western prostitutes, insults and laughs at China. He said that a Chinese power man must manipulate and control information for the safety, peace and development of the Chinese state.
The idea that the people should sacrifice for the safety, development and prosperity of the country came from China's Confucianism.
Confucianism that people must be sacrificed for their country is similar to Islam.
In my opinion, @valued-customer arguing with the Chinese is similar to the confrontation between Christianity and Islam.
Jesus died on the cross for humans, but Moloch wanted the blood of children. Modern China seems to demand the blood of the Chinese like Moloch.
So, I compared you and the Chinese conversation to the confrontation between Christianity and Islam.
If you are offensive, I will delete it.

"Jesus died on the cross for humans, but Moloch wanted the blood of children. Modern China seems to demand the blood of the Chinese like Moloch."

I agree. This is an excellent metaphor for the difference between statism and freedom.


I am not offended, and were I offended I would not want you to delete your honest words. Steem will not allow your words to be deleted, and once published on the blockchain, are a permanent part of the blockchain.

When you edit or delete your comments and posts, you do so on the UI you are using to access the Steem blockchain, and do not delete your words on the blockchain itself, but only on the UI you are using.

Your honest thoughts are yours to voice, an aspect of your person just like your eyes, fingers, or hair. You would not delete those if someone said they were offended by them, so do not delete your honest thoughts either. If you change your mind, then you have new honest thoughts, but your old honest thoughts don't not exist because you have changed your mind.

It is enough to state you have changed your mind, and there is no good purpose served by pretending what has happened has not.

Regardless of my judgement, your words are your sacred possession, and merit existence just as you yourself, from your toes to your hair, do. It is meaningless to be judged by me, or anyone else.

You are the only competent judge of you, and the only judgement that matters is your own.

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