Yoga for many Health Benefits

in Best of India3 years ago

Yoga has many health benefits, not only at physical level but mental and emotional level as well. One need not be a pro in body flexibility to do Yoga and get the benefits out of it. The most important thing required here is discipline to do it everyday and when one stretches the body little by little everyday, flexibility and strength develops. One of the Sutras of Yoga says, "Sukham, Sthiram Asanam", meaning the posture should be stable and comfortable. A little discomfort is ok, but one should not do it in a manner where one ends up hurting the physical body.

A regular practice of Yoga will allow the mind and body to relax and with that help reduce our stress and anxiety levels also. As it is said Yoga means Union, a union of body and mind.

Today let me share with you some very simple poses which one must do daily, and they have some amazing benefits to the health.
I always prefer to start my practice with a bow down to the Universe, being grateful for this beautiful life.

This is the most common pose the Vrikshasana Pose (Tree Pose). Like a tree standing tall and spreading out it's roots, this pose is very good for grounding and balancing the life energies. It helps in strengthening the legs and hip muscles. Because you need a good amount of focus in doing this pose, it is natural that this pose helps in increasing focus and concentration. If anyone has a sciatica pain, this pose is helpful as it helps in stretching out the spine. It helps in improving the overall body posture and strengthens the spine. While doing this pose, one should mindfully do deep breathing.
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The practice should be done with both the legs one after the other

A little different version of the practice. This may seem easier for balancing for the beginners.

Again, it is important to do it with both the legs.

The another pose that I will like to share is Halasana. This pose is very good for females, as it has some amazing benefits in regularizing the menustral cycle. If a female has any menustral disorders, this is one of the pose that she should do it regularly. This pose helps in strengthening the shoulder, abdomen and spine. It also helps in improving the cardiovascular health, and if you see the pose you will understand it is working on the abdomen and the legs part mainly which helps in improving the digestive system and strengthening the leg muscles. Since there is a good movement in this pose it also helps in improving the blood circulation.

This pose in the beginning should be done under supervision, and should be done slowly, not giving too much force to come to the final pose.
One should bend the legs get them to the forehead and then slowly stretch them out and touch the ground. For the beginning if you cannot touch the ground it is fine, gradually with practice as the body get flexible it will happen.


A daily Yoga practice helps in relieving any stress in the body and reduces the muscle tension. It helps in aligning the body energies, which makes one feel rejuvenated and energized. I hope you have found this useful.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Such a great post about yoga for many health benefits and wonderful photography of your any position

Thank you. Glad you find it informative

I am very glad to see your yoga pictures:-) I am very eager to teach yoga to my romantic wife to maintain her posters and her health

Awwww.....that's so romantic. I am sure your wife will equally like the idea....:-)

always healthy, diligent you exercise, will always be fresh in the activity.

Thank you. Glad you find it informative

Yes ma'am you are right, in today's era it is very important to do yoga and exercise to stay fit. I also go to the gym and I have lost 5 kg in 3 months and I love going to the gym.

Wow, that's a good effort. Losing weight gradually is better than working out excess and trying to lose it fast, because that also comes up equally fast

yes you are absolutely right

Yoga is good for reducing stress, it is highly recommended for most people. If the person is pregnant or has high blood pressure, it is good to see a specialist first. Thanks for sharing.

True, people with any special conditions should do it in consultation. There are special yoga poses for pregnant females and it is healthy for them to do it, but they cannot do all the steps and need to do it under guidance

Counteracting stress is essential so you have to acquire good habits for this purpose. Thanks.

Thank you. Glad you find it informative

Nice post about health benefits and excellent photography of your any position,God bless you

Thank you. Glad you find it informative

Keep doing and enjoy.

I do not know much about the subject, there are people who say that yoga is meditation, while others say that it is not, I consider it to be like relaxation. Greetings.

Yoga is a form of meditation, because any form of release and relaxation is meditation.

As i remain busy with my job most of the times but whenever i get time i always try to stretch myself so as to gain some flexibility.I cannot call it yoga but something similar to it.😊

Any form of body movement is good, it is important to keep the body moving. Good to hear you keep doing something at your pace

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