Who Am I Becoming?

in Best of India3 years ago

Ego is one of our biggest enemy in life, and what carries the EGO is the big I
When everything is focused and centered to this big I, life seems to get complicated, so breaking it down is one of the way to self progress and self development.

Coming to this question then Who am I Becoming?
What do you want to carry in this I i.e. self, depends on one's experiences and maturity of life.

For me, in my childhood days I had to go through extreme sufferings, in many ways and the one question that would always hit me was, WHY ME? In the growing up, lot of learnings on this question of WHY ME happened, and it kept changing my perspective of life and my own self as well. One thing I understand for sure, that we are forever evolving and changing. So what I am becoming today, may not be relevant tomorrow, because I do not know what my tomorrow is, what experience it will bring to me and how is it going to mold me.

Just for e.g., at the start of this pandemic, everything seemed to be a chaos and it was getting difficult for everyone to accept this reality. Be it created or whatever, but the ultimate truth is that we need to be in this time, living this experience, and where a lot of people did not have tolerance towards it, have somewhere learned to find their own path and get cut off from this chaos, finding their own alternatives to be at peace. This is a big shift and progress that many have seen within themselves individually.

For me personally, what I want to become?
I do not have many fanciful ideas for me to what I want to become as a person. Actually I have not even reflected very deep on this, though I do have some thoughts around this, but yes I do keep reflecting on the time that goes by and from what I was yesterday to what I am today, and it makes me realize the shift that keeps happening in me from within, with the passing time and the experiences of life that I go through.


Ideally what I would want to become is a person who can hold neutrality to every experience of life. I do not wish to over react nor under react to situations of life, because that reaction is the cause of all the flared up emotions within me, and I believe that extreme or very low emotions in both case are not very healthy. I would like to see myself as a tolerant person, not in terms of tolerating the wrong things, but in terms of tolerating my overall reaction to situations. I would like to see myself as a grounded person, who would take every situation of life with understanding. Where positivity is concerned, I am aware that I am a very positive person and I never give up on my failures, because I know that they are just some stumbling blocks and I can overcome.

All I want to become is a more peaceful person from within. Am I becoming one? The self work is on? I do see the change within, as I mentioned, when I reflect back, I can see the change from yesterday to today in myself. I consciously keep my mind working on this. At every situation, I remind myself what I do not wish to do and that helps me control my reactions and actions. I keep reminding myself what is worth for me and what is not worth for me. I keep reminding myself what brings down my energy and what uplifts my energy, and that's how I work with my self to Who I want to become.

All I can say to conclude is;
The Peace within will Manage the Chaos on the Outside.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Well ego is one of the human natures in every person it totally depends upon you how to handle it . In my early 20-25 age i also had this but when i started making my career, I met so many people who were of different countries and different financial stages that my way of thinking changed a lot.
well i hope it was very good for me as now i believe down to earth person and who is attached with his roots will never fail in life.
god bless u & tc

True, will age and experience of life we learn many things and our perspective changes. As we mature we understand the depths of life.
A grounded person will have a more balanced life and as you say rightly will not fail in life.
Thank you for your good wishes

 3 years ago 

@nainaztengra very nicely written post with thoughtful lines.. handling Ego is the biggest challenge for an individual

 3 years ago 

Thank you @lother68. True Ego is one of our biggest enemy

You have shared a beautiful life lesson my dear friend @nainaztengra, keep sharing. Love and hug.

Thank you my dear for your appreciation

As always, nicely written .
It is indeed important to bridle reactions and emotions & and I believe achieving this is not a cake walk. One must be highly committed, the way you seem to be. Hope you will be able to imbibe all this.

#affable #india

Thank you @aasifwani. True when one comes to a complete understanding of what are the priorities of life it becomes easy to make choices, though the path may never be so easy.

@nainaztengra Beautifully written 👍. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Stay safe 😊.

Nice diary from your side, @nainaztengra. Keep posting.

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