What are My favorite ways to show and receive gratitude?

in Best of India3 years ago

Let me tell you a story of my Life. This goes back to 2012, my Corporate Life days, where I was in full swing and all that mattered to me was growth, promotion, a fat paycheck and status. Being an HR, you always feel in power and it makes you the most important person of the Company as well. Everyone looks up to you, and that was my status as well. When you work for an IT Company, the workload is tremendous, the turnaround of people in an IT industry specially in India can be directly compared to any product manufactured in a manufacturing company. We had loads of people joining on a daily basis and loads resigning.

I was in charge of managing the new joiners and managing their work locations, assigning them projects, and with that kind of volume you work on a bulk basis. But then I would receive a lot of requests from the graduates who would join us directly from campus to assign them their home location for work. In that case I was always very mild, as by nature I am a complete family person and I understand how important it is to be with family, so no matter how stressful it would get, I would go ahead and accommodate their request.

A request was made to me by one such boy, who wanted to be with his family in Delhi, He had to join our Mumbai office as per the norms, and he requested me, if I can consider and give him his home city Delhi. We had offices all across in India, so the possibility was there. It was solely in my control if I would do it or not. And I did accommodate his request. He was so happy and thanked me a lot.



After almost a year, I was looking for a job change and had applied for a few positions and I got a call from the Abu Dhabi, Etihad Airlines office, asking me to come for an interview. I was thrilled, and suddenly I realized my Passport had gone for renewal. The process had already started and I did not know when I would get my new passport, but nothing less than 15 days for sure. I had to travel in 5 days. I was feeling miserable, like a lost battle. Then suddenly I thought let me try this, I never do such things, but something drove me to this. I put up a message on FB asking if anyone has any contacts in the Passport office. And in 5 minutes of me putting this up, I get a call from this same person who I had helped, saying mam, my father has the top-level contact in the Passport office and he can help you immediately. With his father's help, I got my passport in 3 days' time and I travelled to Abu Dhabi for the Interview.

I could not believe what had happened but surely that day, the power of Gratitude came out clearly to me. I never expected any favor from this person, but he just walked in right at the time when it was needed the most, nothing less than a miracle. That is the Power of Gratitude, which one should never underestimate. And there have been many many instances in my life where I have received just in time help in the direst situations.

Acts of kindness without that feeling of I am doing something for someone, when that comes, gratitude flows in miraculously right in those moments, just that the manifestation sometimes does not happen at the same time and it can happen when it is needed the most.


Last year when my hubby was going through a critical health situation, that was one part but at every step I was receiving so much help and support and I could only feel that I was getting blessed every moment in that situation. It was all like miracles, right from travelling at the right moment, surgery happening at the right moment, right Doctors, treatment, hospital environment, everything was just so right that I was feeling that God himself was walking beside me in all of those moments holding my hand and making sure that everything was in place. At that moment I also felt, do I deserve so much.

It is my firm belief that Giving back is an integral part of us, giving back to our society, our family, our friends, our network, our environment, our mother earth and we always keep getting opportunities, the only thing is not to take pride in this giving and not to do it for fame and name. It is rightly said that give in a manner that if you give with your right hand, the left does not get to know about it. Giving with a mindset of receiving dissolves the whole act of gratitude.

The classic example is when People pray, they pray with an expectation to receive something, then even if it's just blessings and then the same people say, I pray a lot but still nothing good happens to me. Doing anything with an expectation to receive is an act of selfishness and not an act of Gratitude. Gratitude may not come from the same person; it is the way of the Universe to give you back when you need it the most then the source can be anything and anyone.

My way of Showing Gratitude is just Do it without any ego, without any expectation, give in whatever capacity I can, I am the only one who knows my capability and my resources and no one can understand that, so it all depends on me how much I can do, My way of receiving Gratitude is just open, I have no expectation of anything and I know the Universe takes care of me when it is needed.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Your last line touched my heart, it's very true that we must never expect anything while doing anything for anyone. You must know a hindi proverb"neki kar, dariyan mein daal." Your life story is a good example and prove that proverb correctly. Stay blessed always my dear @nainaztengra

This piece is very impactful. I will definitely do more things benevolently without any expectation.
Thanks for sharing it with us , keep inspiring.

 3 years ago 

Wonderful thought, keep sharing your experience. @nainaztengra

the story is very interesting, everything there is always a solution, I really admire this story, thank you for sharing, @nainaztengra

 3 years ago 

@nainaztengra, Your post is heart warming. Fortunately , while working with a company as the top most man the love and gratitude received can be remembered from your post. thanks for sharing your experiences. pls keep posting

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