We are back to from where we started

in Best of India3 years ago

The last 3 months we were all in the la la land as the prices kept moving upwards. The figures were looking all good on the screen, and now we are back to from where it all started. Not exactly but yes kind of. Many must have freaked out with the last 1 month downward trend of the crypto. But this one to an extent was anticipated. People have been talking about the one major fall on the way and probably it is this one. Or it is already the end of the bull run and we are in the bear market, no one can really confirm on this, only time will tell us.

If we have already got in to the bear trend, then it is another long wait now for 3 years, and also then that the market did not perform as per everyone's expectation in this bull run. Specially the Alt coins never saw it's peak, which ideally would happen.

My feeling is that we still have some more time in the bull market and that the prices will recover. We will see some good rise in the prices from where it peaked and fell again. I am hoping so, being very optimistic. But the one lesson to learn is, that not to keep being too greedy. Exiting at some point of time, to make gains is important. Not even sure if BTC will reach it's much anticipated 6 figures prediction, but it may get somewhere close to it.


A lot of big players are in the game now, so there can be too much of these pumps and dumps that we will keep seeing in the future times to come. It will take a very long time for this market to be stabilized and small time people to actually start relying on these as stable investments, else till such time it would be more or less like a gamble for short term investors. If one has a long term plan, then, should not panic with these dumps and just wait for the planned time period. It will surely give good returns from whatever is invested. And for that one has to invest in either BTC or coins which has stability, like ETH, ADA, BNB.

Yesterday my hubby kept complaining, see I told you, we should have removed some part of it, he kept saying this multiple times and I just ignored. No one can predict these pumps and dumps. Eventually it will go up and if you sell then you regret, if it goes down and you are planning to sell and you do not, then also you regret. For me, my strategy is, I have a figure in mind (a realistic one), I will hold on till I reach my target. I am not worried about the time and I do not even wish to keep gambling.

If it happens sooner good, if it takes time then also no worries. It all happens at it's right time is what I believe. This is surely not a get rich quick scheme. It needs patience and a strong heart to stay in it.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


1 STEEM will always be 1 STEEM no matter if it's bull run or bear market!🧐

. It needs patience and a strong heart to stay in it. i love these words, thank you for sharing, @nainaztengra.

Saludos amiga muy interesante y optimista tu publicación, la verdad es que debemos tener mucha fe y bueno esperar esto fue una bajada brutal de la moneda pero hay que ser optimista y tener paciencia muchas personas están sacando su poder y vendiendo todo por el desespero a quedar sin nada pero debemos mantener la fe.

Mi esposo también. Me ah dicho cosas al igual que dijo su esposo,pero yo mantengo mi fe y bueno confío en que todo pasara y nuevamente subirán las monedas! Saludos feliz día!

Remember night become darkest before the dawn, do not lose hope keep patience my dear friend @nainaztengra

 3 years ago 

Very informative and timely post... let's cross our finger and wait for happy times @nainaztengra

Waiting patiently is the key. Thanks for encouraging us. Spreading good in times like these means alot.


I agree with you last 3 months all that was earned was lost in a single day.
I don't know how long it will take to go back same position
But that day turned like a nightmare for me, Which ruined my 3 months hard work and brought me back to 0
#india #affable

We should not take any wrong step right now, so to not regret later.we should wait, definitely market will rise again.
#affable #india

Great words. You know crypto prices can be demotivating at times. Thus, we should know how it's like in crypto world.

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