My Conversations with a Cab Driver

in Best of India3 years ago

Sometimes I really feel the more educated we get the more we destroy our brains and we lose our intellect. Some people really prove that education has got nothing to do with one's intellect. Yesterday I was visiting my friend who stays almost half an hour away from my place. I called for Uber to drive me there. Being a week day, the roads were crowded and the half an hour usual drive almost became a 50 hr drive.

The cab driver strike the conversation with me, he wanted to check with me on some information related to bank loans since he was planning to avail one. I gave him the information which I had to the best of my knowledge and then gave him a contact of one of my friend who works for a bank for further help. Later on he started talking about the Covid situation and he was mentioning to me about all his various experiences that he had with passengers in his cab. The one very sensible thing he spoke and which I found very true, he said more than Covid, Fear has killed people, which to a large extent is true. He was a wise man, and was more on the side of taking care of health in natural ways. Such people are always of my interest.

He mentioned that he has one Doctor customer who regularly calls for him, and this Doctor guy gives him a lot of tips and advice to maintaining good health in a more natural manner which he follows. I really feel that if all of us do that then we can defeat Covid very easily. The one best thing he spoke about is the main stream media how continuously they are spreading fear with repetitive messages. I really wonder that one uneducated person can see through this so clearly but the highly qualified educated people cannot. He spoke about the steep rise in the fuel prices in India and then the eye wash of the free vaccination scheme, and the government money making rackets. Oh my god I really felt like he was one person who could clearly see through the wrongs that are happening around.


He was mentioning about all his various experiences of people sitting in his cab. He said some people are so scared that they wear 3 masks and a face shield, I wonder what happens to the breathing of such people. I am not a Doctor but I guess I have some common sense, that wont these type of people get taken down by other respiratory issues, specially if they do these kind of things for a longer period.

One of my work partner in a Company was somewhat similar and he had extreme views on Covid, he would always tell people that if you get Covid then your chances of survival are 1% to 2%, these are the type of people who are media brainwashed and they in turn also spread fear in other people. While there is no denial that Covid has taken down many people but then this statement is not at all justified, else by now we would have been something 20% to 25% world population reduction. People need to be practical and logical in their thinking. It is now more than one and a half year into this and we have all seen how media, governments, hospitals, pharma, politicians have all played their role in blowing this out of proportion for their benefit. No one talks about the impact in so many other ways that are taking place.

If our Governments were so concerned about our health, they would not promote the fast food chains like MacD, KFC, Aeriated drinks, 5G, GMO foods and so much more which is destroying our health gradually and also are the reasons for some serious illnesses like Cancer, Autoimmune disorders. The web of good health has many things to look at, just wearing mask and taking vaccines are not going to save us. Vaccines have no guarantee that one will not get Covid, post vaccination also a lot of people have got Covid and a more serious one. The bans that are taking place against the people who do not want to get vaccinated is so much of a violation of human rights. The Governments take Taxes and then they deny you to use the basics. Are we losing our rights to our own body? Some people brag about how the governments are helping them with some stipulated amount on a regular basis, but can't they see through that the same thing is making them more handicapped and more and more dependent on the governments for their livelihood. Rather the Governments should create jobs, aid the sick industries to revive back so that they can create employment and people can become self sufficient and independent rather then relying on them for money.

I can only say that if one simple cab driver can see through all of this then what is wrong with the so called highly qualified people's mind.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


you are very simple in your steps, together with the driver you can get knowledge, everything will be beautiful at one time, if you continue to respect the little people.

I was also so scared in COVID time to see news channel and some relatives and family members told some news about COVID Even I got in to depression..But in that situation we should avoid news it can harm our mental health ..
Thanks for sharing ur post..

Your right maam , In the name of Kovid, the common people have been scared and the government is thinking of itself as Thanos and is killing people By testing the vaccine.

But no one still stands up to it :-(

I have always found the cab/taxi drivers par excellence ..They are innovative and creative in term of life experiences.
Thank you!

They come across so many people on a daily basis and experience different situations. There is no better teacher then a live experience.

I have the same notion as you :)

Education gives us less knowledge than experience, most successful persons did not even pass their intermediate school level.

True, experience and intellect makes one achieve great heights

Some people really prove that education has got nothing to do with one's intellect.

This is an amazing sentence, the more we educate the more we goof up @nainaztengra

People should just be little rational and not be blinded by the main stream media, if they do this we will be a much awakened society

Oh my god I really felt like he was one person who could clearly see through the wrongs that are happening around.

He seem to be so.

But, unfortunately our society has a different pattern. We weigh people on the basis of job which is utterly wrong.

Thanking for sharing nice experience

True, at large people weigh others on their bank balances and degrees and feel so irrelevant all that which does not fall in this bracket.

This must go but it has been there since decades and instead of reducing the void is increasing day by day, unfortunately.

Wow, fabulous,you analysed educated fools brains verses common men intellectual brains and what media traites so well:)
Thanks for sharing well contented blog w/ steemit subscribers ,pls keep sharing w/ your day let's learn eachother.

Not at educated minds are fools :-)...hehehe.....I guess it's also about exposure one gets, conditioning one has had in their growing up and a lot of other aspects.

The uber driver may be experienced as per the experiences he has shared with you ,i would like to praise your character of being so social and interacting with strangers in such a way that you would share your friends number with them.🤗 @nainaztengra

Yes, but I will not share without taking their permission, so only on their approval. I believe that people sometimes cross our paths meaningfully and sometimes with a purpose, may be this was meant to happen so that he could get the required help.

the government needs to create more job opportunities and educating poor people so that they can also be self-dependent.
nice post mam

True, but their only focus is how to get money from our pockets.

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