
As a responsible blogger I am working here from last one year, and I think those who are older than me can understand that was not me who done this kind of activities, my keys were stolen and after informing by @randula I changed all my password, I request everyone please go through the investigation and before that no one can tag my account as a scammer.
Please look into the matter @steemcurator01 @sapwood @randula @neerajkr03 @rishbh99946.
Before giving any judgement we must find out the culprits, this activity of sammer is now become a regular practice. First kick them out from the blockchain, because of them many people facing unnecessary harassment. I am a victim so please remove the tag @alejandrop, Now I have changed all my password.

Ok. How was hacked your keys?

 3 years ago (edited)

@alejandrop, please inform me once you discover🙏

I removed the entire post. Thanks for you attention.

Thank you for your kindness @alejandrop 🙏

 3 years ago 

I suggest not to call her a spammer. It is not her fault when someone else stolen her keys.

She updated her keys after she realizing her account got hacked. And removed all comments that the hacker posted using her account. And edited those who she can't delete with avoid. T

You guys must be careful not to click such links and submitting your keys for any reason.

Your friend is a victim as same as sduttaskitchen so better to update his keys.

Thank you

Please look into this matter!!
I request the authorities:
@bestofindia @rishabh99946 @steemcurator @neerajkr03

I believe her id has been also compromised, we have seen so many Comments flourishing in the steem blockchain these days. Unfortunately many people have lost their keys... Good thing is some only used posting key so the scammer is now using the comment to get more victims.

 3 years ago (edited)

yes, Rishabh. Her posting key was stolen. I saw one of the above comments in our community and informed her. Later her updated keys and deleted all possible scam comments and edited the rest of them. I think all good now. Anyway check again. Jyoti the light had faced the same issue last week and later keys updated.

FYI @krishna001

Ohh, that is unfortunate.
Can't we block them on this platform?
Is it possible?

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