Learn how to create arts in Microsoft Paint 2 | By @yunikart

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hey everyone hope you're all good .. here is another session on how to get to know arts in MS Paint. In my previous post Learn how to create arts in Microsoft paint 1 | By @yunika i explained what is MS Paint and how to access it.
In this post, I'll show you all the various ribbons of Ms paint and explain thier uses as detailed as i can.
Lets get started 😊

This image is a screen capture i made on my computer.

This is the interface of Ms Paint when it is being opened. As we can see it doesn't comprise of many tools like softwares such as Photoshop it is straight to the point and simple to master.

As seen on the image, we have 5 ribbons which are as follows

  • Clipboard
  • Image
  • Tools
  • Shapes
  • Colors

Each of these contribute greatly to the completion of a well done art .
I'll in details explain each of the above below.

All the Images used below are screen captures from my computer that have being cropped.

  • Clipboard

A clipboard is like a book where actions are being carried out in. Let me use your phones as examples
Each time you copy a text or a link using your phone, it goes to your clipboard where it is being kept for use. Same as in Ms Paint.

  • Paste
    We can see the paste icon. It is used to paste a copied file from another location to the Ms paint sheet. This Is when you already have something and you want to modify it. You'll just copy then paste then carry out your modifications

  • Cut & copy
    These are used for similar but different reasons. Copy is when you have an ongoing work and than drawing something over and over again, you'll rather be copying and pasting
    Meanwhile cut, is when you might have drawn or inserted something in the wrong position and will like to move it completely to the right position without leaving a copy of it.

  • Image

Here, if you have an inserted Image or a drawn Image, you can set it up

  • select
    This action is to capture exactly what you want to edit or format.

  • crop, resize & rotate
    Here, after selecting what you want to format you can either crop (cutting out unwanted parts) or resize (fitting in a desired size) or rotate (changing the direction of the selected image)

  • Tools

Under tools, we have the following

  • Pencil
    Used to draw free-form lines with the selected line width and color

  • Paint bucket
    Used to fill a selected area on the canvas with the selected color

  • Text
    Used to insert text (writings) on the picture

  • Eraser
    Used to erase undesired parts of the picture

  • Color picker
    Used to pick a color from a picture to use for drawing

  • Magnifier
    Used to change the magnification of a part of the canvas

  • Brushes
    Comprises of 9 different brushes used for drawing and painting and each brush has its specific use

  • Shapes

Here, we have various types of shapes that can be inserted to ease drawing
We have common shapes such as,

The line shape
The circle
The square
The star and much more

Also, we can also see "outline & Fill"
The outline is to remove the borders of an inserted shape if they aren't necessarily needed then fill is to fill the shape with a desired color

  • Colors

Here is one of the most important aspects of a drawing. The colors gives to your drawing a very good look when they are being applied correctly and shaded as realistic as possible

We can see "size" it is used to modify the width of a selected shape, brush or pencil

We can see "color 1 & 2" color 1 is the foreground color while color 2 is the background color

We also see "Edit colors" this is to bring out your own desired color.

I think from this, many will be enlightened on the usage of the various tools in the software. In my next post, I'll go deep into the brushes

Thanks for reading 😊
Remember #art is life ❤️


Great .......thanks it has really been very helpful.....

 2 years ago 

thanks for this

 2 years ago 

Wow this reminds me of my computer science classes in form 3. Thanks for sharing man

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