Steem Cameroon Contest - World Hepatitis day (Nigeria)

in Steem Cameroon11 hours ago


Today the 28th day of July 2024, is the World Hepatitis Day. This event is commemorated in most nation around the world and most happily my country Nigeria, was not left out. Nigerians proudly joined the rest of the world to commemorate the World's Hepatitis Day. Here's the details

Hepatitis: A brief Overview
What is Hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is the liver feels like its on fire. It is caused by a virus. We have different class of hepatitis, the Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E.

Symptoms include
  • Yellow eyes and skin
  • Abdominal pains
  • Dark fecal matter (urine and stool)
  • Vomiting etc.

Hepatitis are spread majorly through the bodily fluids, contacts with infected persons, contaminated food and water and blood to blood contact.

Prevention includes;

Vaccination (for Hepatitis A & B), safe sex, good hygiene, not sharing personal items like toothbrush needles, blades etc. Early detection and treatment is also very beneficial.

My Country's Involvement
20240729_005027.jpgNigerians are not left out in the fight against hepatitis

Nigeria's 2024 world hepatitis day was tagged Its Time for Action. This was a clarion call to remind us of our goal to eradicate hepatitis by the year 2030. And i am so glad that different institutions, organisation and corporate bodies did their best to echo the theme of the day. Mass sensitisation and public awareness was carried out, free testing screening, and vaccination of Hepatitis B were carried out in some approved facilities. The mass media also did its own fair share by airing educative programs on the cause, symptoms and solutions to hepatitis.

This day has helped sensitise a lot of people on hepatitis and for this I'm grateful.

My Mascot


My mascot is a friendly character even though its shaped like a virus. It shows sensitisation, support snd care for those with hepatitis.


In conclusion, the World Hepatitis Day is one that is indeed worth commemorating. And I am proud my country Nigeria was a part of it. Remember, to show care to those with hepatitis and help if you can while maintaining personal hygiene, safe sex, vaccination and proper health measure so as to eliminate hepatitis.

I love y'all

Here's my Achievement 1: Verification through introduction



I think we could prevent hepatitis by boiling the water we drink since it could be contaminated or may contain tiny microbes. I love your mascot, that's a doctor and he seems he is not suffering from hepatitis but small pox🤣, notwithstanding I love it.

 4 hours ago 

Thank for that candid observation.nd you're right boiling water helps to prevent hepatitis....

Thank you Dr. nsijoro

You're welcome sir

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