Steem Cameroon Contest - International Day of the Girl Child(Nigeria)

in Steem Cameroon11 months ago (edited)

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Today 11th October, is known worldwide as the international Day of the girl child, it's a day to celebrate the girl child.

Previously, the girl child was severely underestimated, her value was taught to reside only in the kitchen and the bedroom. However, today there's a big change, women have changed the world. Things that was thought impossible to be done, have been done by women.

The girl child, even though being deemed as weaker vessel has always been a blessing and have given the world pleasant surprises time and again.

How Nigerians celebrate the girl child day.

To celebrate the international girl child day in my country, different talkshows are hosted on radios and televisios and even on different social media platforms to show how amazing the girl child is. Also discussed is how to take care of the girl child, the risk the face and many other enlightening and educative programme.

Some parents at this day call their girl child and praise them while showing them love.

The impact of the Girl child day

The girl child day is a day to raise awareness, about the right of th ladies and how best we can treat our girl children, both of which I'll discuss in our subsequebt subheadings.

The right of the girl child


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Despite the fact that girl child are amazing in some parts of the world, they are still treated like garbage, and are denied of even their basic rights.

It's a pity that some people just stare when a girl child right is infringed. Let's just say it's ignorance, here are the rights of the girl child.

  • Right to live: every girl child should not be robbed of their basic right to live, they should be given space to exist. I remember, sometimes ago during child birth, a father would beam in joy during the birth of a boy child but would not hesitate to beat the crap out of their wives for bringing a female to the world. This is so wrong, be happy they are females and believe their as amazing as their male counterparts.

  • Right to freedom: Just like the males, the girl child is born free and should have equal dignity and rights.

  • Right to Employment: provided she's qualified, every girl child has the right to be gainfully employed, have the luxury of a complete salary and public holidays.

  • Women have equal rights before the law: Enough of twisting the law simply because she's a female. Just like the males, they have equal rights.

  • Every woman should have the right to make her partner choice: In some families women are traded like some cheap crayfish, for status, money, power, influence and other factors. This is done without even considering the woman feelings, and this hurts.

  • Right to Education the globe is spinning cause of education and constant enlightenment, look well at the centre of all this change we have a girl child. Why not avail yourself if creating a super star by educating a girl child.

How to treat the Girl child

As a husband, brother, lover, bestie, friend or even fellow female, towards a female child we're obligated to;

  • Treat them with love and care. Try to be supportive rather than assertive.

  • Encourage and supports the girl child; appreciate the girl child for every good and right she does, just as you squeal at her wrong doings.

  • Do not under any situation, abuse or say devastating things to a girl child. Her psychological and mental health matters a lot.

  • Advice and discipline with care, love and caution. You wouldn't want your advice to be taken wrongly.

  • Protect them but do not be overbearing: look out for their friends, check for any red flags, caution where possible but do not overtly do it as it will feel like a burden rather than a heart warming concern.


To conclude I'll say the girl child is special, let's treat them well. Look into the eyes of a girl child smile at her and appreciate her for being a girl today.

Cheers to all the girl child on this platform

Special cheers to Precious and Victoria (my secret audience), @vudeme123, @usoro01, @h-chain, @bee5 .... jeez they are so many, thanks for being girls and making the world colorful.

I love y'all

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 11 months ago 

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Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @waterjoe

 11 months ago 

Thanks a lot....I'll work even harder

 11 months ago 

The female gender need to be celebrated because of their massive contribution. A nation can't be formed without a woman who was formerly a girl. I absolutely love this writeup and it's technique. Let me keep quiet about your last caption 🤐🤐

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