Steem Cameroon Posts Interaction Obligations

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

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Steem greetings,
It’s come to our notice that Cameroonian Steemians are not supporting the community account by commenting, upvoting and resteeming community account posts. It’s totally unfair that while we make efforts to support you, you are making almost no efforts to support us grow.
It makes no sense that a post published 23 hours ago has 1 comment and 8 upvotes:
Worst still, our Communities of the Month Application which is suppose to secure us Steemcurator and booming upvotes registered 38 upvotes and just 17 comments:

Can our community account grow with this kind of feedback from members?*

Will the Steemit Team support Steem Cameroon with this kind of feedback from community members?*

Yet, we all are scrambling for curator04 and booming upvotes. Can we grow with this kind of attitude?
We are hereby setting a few rules for Steem Cameroon Posts Interaction;

  1. Before we submit your post for booming and @steemcurator04 upvotes, you must have been commenting, upvoting and resteeming @steem-cameroon posts.
  2. Before we curate your post with @steem-cameroon, you must have been upvoting and resteeming @steem-cameroon posts.

It’s the same thing with delegations, can you imagine Steemians holding 1000 SP and delegating 50 to @steem-cameroon?

It’s really funny that while we work for the growth of all, others are working for the growth of self. A Delegations Review, Recommendations and Rewards list was published a few weeks ago, and most of us have not reviewed our delegations to the recommended:
A list of registered members of @steem-cameroon will be published in the days ahead and all registered members will be required to update their delegations to the recommended delegations.
The Steem Cameroon Team will henceforth be recommending posts for @booming and @steemcurator04 based on delegations and how interactive the steemians are with respect to @steem-cameroon posts.

Together, we are better and this explains why we are appealing that we work together and grow our community so that we all can grow.

Written for @steem-cameroon by @thegreens


Totally agree !

We want to see a lot more comments and a lot more voting.

Comments and votes from community members are one of the factors we consider when voting with @steemcurator01.

Maybe do an audit of how many of your community members are commenting regularly, and making a minimum of 70 votes a week, and not leaving their voting power on 100%.

All votes are important, no matter how small.

 3 years ago 

Totally agree

Mi estimado amigo @steemcurator01, con mucha apena escribirle por este medio, pero me gustaría si el tiempo todo se lo permite, y visite mi blog, por que apreciado su apoyo es muy importante tanto para mi y para mis abuelitos, con todo mi respeto me despido amigo mi apreciado, Miles de bendiciones.

Everyday I do comment and always post relevant comments. Sometimes I miss support and response but I never get demotivated because I love steemit and I believe in interaction. Thanks for highlighting this to us.

 3 years ago 

I'm so much in support of this idea cause it has troubled me as well. Some of us feel reluctant in commenting but expect comments from others. A few donot even bother to go through the post before commenting. This is really disheartening. I hope for a better change so we all grow together. Thanks for setting these rules.

 3 years ago 

It is about time that we all act as a community for real. These rules will hopefully make the community a very supportive place on steemit. I also hope that those who follow the rules are appropriately rewarded.

Looking forward to a better Steem Cameroon🥰.

 3 years ago 

It's either we advance together or we leave some behind. It's very clear Sir

 3 years ago 

We cannot grow with those of self interest. The funniest thing is that those with over a 1000SP delegated just 50SP and do not even used the SP to vote. They just keep it and watching while expecting votes from others. I think this is a right step by the admins of this community. Work with those who want the community account to grow.

 3 years ago 

This is very true ,you can’t be expecting to be receiving up votes meanwhile you are not ready to support steem -cameroon community .the earlier the better the Admins should starts working with those who are ready to work with them .

 3 years ago 

This is a very good strategy which I believe will go for the greater good if we all work together.

 3 years ago (edited)

I think it time to grow with steemians who are ready to grow. The new rules are just okay and sure most of us will have to step up to support our community.

 3 years ago 

This is absolute true. I personally feel awful when my posts are often not commented or voted, talk less of our community posts.
I strongly encourage all Steemians to massively and actively engage in upvoting and commenting posts for a more powerful and rewarding community.

 3 years ago 

@thegreens, am very happy that these has come to your notice,while some of us busily comment,vote and resteem @steem-cameroon posts, delegate and review delegations as recommended by the community, others will carry over 1000sp,will not vote or comment on steem cameroon post, i have not been blogging for a while because i lost my uncle but i totally aggree with this.. its high time we fish out those who are not supporting the community to grow, as for me i will always do my part and comment on all posts from the community and also leave upvotes and resteems foward ever @steem-cameroon

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